< Master index Index for ./freetb4matlab/control >

Index for ./freetb4matlab/control

Matlab files in this directory:

 DEMOcontrol% Octave Control Systems Toolbox demo/tutorial program. The demo
 abcddim% Check for compatibility of the dimensions of the matrices defining
 acker% A wrapper for place (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{p}).
 analdemo% Octave Controls toolbox demo: State Space analysis demo
 are% Solve the Algebraic Riccati Equation
 axis2dlim% Determine axis limits for 2-D data (column vectors); leaves a 10%
 balreal% Balanced realization of the continuous-time LTI system @var{sys}.
 bddemo% Octave Controls toolbox demo: Block Diagram Manipulations demo.
 bode% If no output arguments are given: produce Bode plots of a system; otherwise,
 bode_bounds% Get default range of frequencies based on cutoff frequencies of system
 controldemo% Control Systems Toolbox demo.
 ctrb% Build controllability matrix:
 d2c% Convert a discrete (sub)system into a purely continuous one.
 damp% Displays eigenvalues, natural frequencies and damping ratios
 dcgain% Returns dc-gain matrix. If dc-gain is infinite
 dezero% Remove trailing blank entries and all zero entries from the string s.
 dgkfdemo% Octave Controls toolbox demo:
 dgram% Return controllability gramian of discrete time system
 dhinfdemo% Demonstrate the functions available to design a discrete
 dkalman% Construct the linear quadratic estimator (Kalman predictor) for the
 dlqe% Construct the linear quadratic estimator (Kalman filter) for the
 dlqg% O B S O L E T E * * * D O N O T U S E~
 dlqr% Construct the linear quadratic regulator for the discrete time system
 dlyap% Solve the discrete-time Lyapunov equation
 dmr2d% convert a multirate digital system to a single rate digital system
 dre% Solve the differential Riccati equation
 feedback% feedback(sys1,sys2)
 fir2sys% construct a system data structure from @acronym{FIR} description
 frdemo% Octave Control Toolbox demo: Frequency Response demo.
 freqchkw% Used by @command{__freqresp__} to check that input frequency vector @var{w}
 gram% @code{gram (@var{sys}, 'c')} returns the controllability gramian of
 h2norm% Computes the
 h2syn% Design
 hinf_ctr% Called by @code{hinfsyn} to compute the
 hinfnorm% Computes the
 hinfsyn_chk% Called by @code{hinfsyn} to see if gain @var{g} satisfies conditions in
 hinfsyn_ric% Forms
 impulse% Impulse response for a linear system.
 is_abcd% Returns @var{retval} = 1 if the dimensions of @var{a}, @var{b},
 is_controllable% Logical check for system controllability.
 is_detectable% Test for detectability (observability of unstable modes) of (@var{a}, @var{c}).
 is_dgkf% Determine whether a continuous time state space system meets
 is_digital% Return nonzero if system is digital.
 is_observable% Logical check for system observability.
 is_sample% Return true if @var{ts} is a valid sampling time
 is_signal_list% Return true if @var{mylist} is a list of individual strings.
 is_siso% Returns nonzero if the system data structure
 is_stabilizable% Logical check for system stabilizability (i.e., all unstable modes are controllable).
 is_stable% Returns 1 if the matrix @var{a} or the system @var{sys}
 isct% Return true if the LTI system @var{sys} is continuous-time, false otherwise.
 isdt% Return true if the LTI system @var{sys} is discrete-time, false otherwise.
 jet707% Creates a linearized state-space model of a Boeing 707-321 aircraft
 lqe% Construct the linear quadratic estimator (Kalman filter) for the
 lqg% Design a linear-quadratic-gaussian optimal controller for the system
 lqr% construct the linear quadratic regulator for the continuous time system
 lsim% Produce output for a linear simulation of a system; produces
 ltifr% Linear time invariant frequency response of single-input systems.
 lyap% Solve the Lyapunov (or Sylvester) equation via the Bartels-Stewart
 minfo% Determines the type of system matrix. @var{inmat} can be a varying,
 moddemo% Octave Control toolbox demo: Model Manipulations demo.
 nichols% Produce Nichols plot of a system.
 nyquist% Produce Nyquist plots of a system; if no output arguments are given, Nyquist
 obsv% Build observability matrix:
 ord2% Creates a continuous 2nd order system with parameters:
 packsys% O B S O L E T E: use ss instead.
 parallel% Forms the parallel connection of two systems.
 place% Computes the matrix @var{K} such that if the state
 prompt% Prompt user to continue
 pzmap% Plots the zeros and poles of a system in the complex plane.
 qzval% Compute generalized eigenvalues of the matrix pencil
 rldemo% Octave Control toolbox demo: Root Locus demo.
 rotg% function [c,s] = rotg(a,b)
 run_cmd% run_cmd: short script used in demos
 series% Forms the series connection of two systems.
 sortcom% Sort a complex vector.
 ss% Create system structure from state-space data. May be continuous,
 ss2sys% Create system structure from state-space data. May be continuous,
 ss2tf% Conversion from transfer function to state-space.
 ss2zp% Converts a state space representation to a set of poles and zeros;
 step% Step response for a linear system.
 strappend% Append string @var{suffix} to each string in the list @var{strlist}.
 swap% @format
 swapcols% @format
 swaprows% @format
 sys2ss% Extract state space representation from system data structure.
 sys2tf% Extract transfer function data from a system data structure.
 sys2zp%@deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{zer}, @var{pol}, @var{k}, @var{tsam}, @var{inname}, @var{outname}] =} sys2zp (@var{sys})
 sysadd% returns @var{sys} = @var{gsys} + @var{hsys}.
 sysappend% appends new inputs and/or outputs to a system
 syschnames% Superseded by @command{syssetsignals}.
 syschtsam% This function changes the sampling time (tsam) of the system. Exits with
 sysconnect% Close the loop from specified outputs to respective specified inputs
 syscont% Extract the purely continuous subsystem of an input system.
 sysdimensions% return the number of states, inputs, and/or outputs in the system
 sysdup% Duplicate specified input/output connections of a system
 sysgetsignals% Get signal names from a system
 sysgettsam% Return the sampling time of the system @var{sys}.
 sysgettype% return the initial system type of the system
 sysgroup% Combines two systems into a single system.
 sysidx% Return indices of signals with specified signal names
 sysmin% Returns a minimal (or reduced order) system
 sysmult% Compute @math{sys = Asys*Bsys} (series connection):
 sysout% print out a system data structure in desired format
 sysprune% Extract specified inputs/outputs from a system
 sysrepdemo% Tutorial for the use of the system data structure functions.
 sysscale% scale inputs/outputs of a system.
 syssetsignals% change the names of selected inputs, outputs and states.
 syssub% Return @math{sys = Gsys - Hsys}.
 sysupdate% Update the internal representation of a system.
 tf% build system data structure from transfer function format data
 tf2ss% Conversion from transfer function to state-space.
 tf2sys% Build system data structure from transfer function format data.
 tf2zp% Converts transfer functions to poles-and-zero representations.
 tfout% Print formatted transfer function @math{n(s)/d(s)} to the screen.
 tzero% Compute transmission zeros of a continuous system:
 tzero2% Compute the transmission zeros of @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{c}, @var{d}.
 ugain% Creates a system with unity gain, no states.
 unpacksys% [a,b,c,d] = unpacksys(sys)
 wgt1o% State space description of a first order weighting function.
 zgfmul% Compute product of @var{zgep} incidence matrix @math{F} with vector @var{x}.
 zgfslv% Solve system of equations for dense zgep problem.
 zginit% Construct right hand side vector @var{zz}
 zgreduce% Implementation of procedure REDUCE in (Emami-Naeini and Van Dooren,
 zgrownorm% Return @var{nonz} = number of rows of @var{mat} whose two norm
 zgscal% Generalized conjugate gradient iteration to
 zgsgiv% Apply givens rotation c,s to row vectors @var{a}, @var{b}.
 zgshsr% Apply householder vector based on
 zp% Create system data structure from zero-pole data.
 zp2ss% Conversion from zero / pole to state space.
 zp2sys% Create system data structure from zero-pole data.
 zp2tf% Converts zeros / poles to a transfer function.
 zpout% print formatted zero-pole form to the screen.

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