% Extract state space representation from system data structure.
function [a, b, c, d, tsam, n, nz, stname, inname, outname, yd] = sys2ss (sys)
This function calls:
- sysdimensions % return the number of states, inputs, and/or outputs in the system
- sysgetsignals % Get signal names from a system
- sysgettsam % Return the sampling time of the system @var{sys}.
- sysupdate % Update the internal representation of a system.
This function is called by:
- buildssic %
- c2d %
- ctrb % Build controllability matrix:
- d2c % Convert a discrete (sub)system into a purely continuous one.
- damp % Displays eigenvalues, natural frequencies and damping ratios
- dcgain % Returns dc-gain matrix. If dc-gain is infinite
- dgkfdemo % Octave Controls toolbox demo:
- dlqg % O B S O L E T E * * * D O N O T U S E~
- dmr2d % convert a multirate digital system to a single rate digital system
- dre % Solve the differential Riccati equation
- h2norm % Computes the
- hinfnorm % Computes the
- hinfsyn %
- is_controllable % Logical check for system controllability.
- is_detectable % Test for detectability (observability of unstable modes) of (@var{a}, @var{c}).
- is_dgkf % Determine whether a continuous time state space system meets
- is_observable % Logical check for system observability.
- is_stabilizable % Logical check for system stabilizability (i.e., all unstable modes are controllable).
- is_stable % Returns 1 if the matrix @var{a} or the system @var{sys}
- lqg % Design a linear-quadratic-gaussian optimal controller for the system
- lsim % Produce output for a linear simulation of a system; produces
- ltifr % Linear time invariant frequency response of single-input systems.
- obsv % Build observability matrix:
- place % Computes the matrix @var{K} such that if the state
- series % Forms the series connection of two systems.
- sysappend % appends new inputs and/or outputs to a system
- sysconnect % Close the loop from specified outputs to respective specified inputs
- syscont % Extract the purely continuous subsystem of an input system.
- sysdisc %
- sysdup % Duplicate specified input/output connections of a system
- sysgroup % Combines two systems into a single system.
- sysmin % Returns a minimal (or reduced order) system
- sysmult % Compute @math{sys = Asys*Bsys} (series connection):
- sysout % print out a system data structure in desired format
- sysprune % Extract specified inputs/outputs from a system
- sysrepdemo % Tutorial for the use of the system data structure functions.
- sysscale % scale inputs/outputs of a system.
- tzero % Compute transmission zeros of a continuous system:
- unpacksys % [a,b,c,d] = unpacksys(sys)
- zp2ss % Conversion from zero / pole to state space.
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