% Tutorial for the use of the system data structure functions.
function sysrepdemo
This function calls:
- packedform
- prompt % Prompt user to continue
- run_cmd % run_cmd: short script used in demos
- ss % Create system structure from state-space data. May be continuous,
- sys2ss % Extract state space representation from system data structure.
- sys2tf % Extract transfer function data from a system data structure.
- sys2zp %@deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{zer}, @var{pol}, @var{k}, @var{tsam}, @var{inname}, @var{outname}] =} sys2zp (@var{sys})
- sysdimensions % return the number of states, inputs, and/or outputs in the system
- sysgetsignals % Get signal names from a system
- sysgettsam % Return the sampling time of the system @var{sys}.
- sysgettype % return the initial system type of the system
- sysout % print out a system data structure in desired format
- sysupdate % Update the internal representation of a system.
- tf % build system data structure from transfer function format data
- tfout % Print formatted transfer function @math{n(s)/d(s)} to the screen.
- zp % Create system data structure from zero-pole data.
- zpout % print formatted zero-pole form to the screen.
This function is called by:
- DEMOcontrol % Octave Control Systems Toolbox demo/tutorial program. The demo
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