% -*- texinfo -*- % @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{y}, @var{x}] =} lsim (@var{sys}, @var{u}, @var{t}, @var{x0}) % Produce output for a linear simulation of a system; produces % a plot for the output of the system, @var{sys}. % % @var{u} is an array that contains the system's inputs. Each row in @var{u} % corresponds to a different time step. Each column in @var{u} corresponds to a % different input. @var{t} is an array that contains the time index of the % system; @var{t} should be regularly spaced. If initial conditions are required % on the system, the @var{x0} vector should be added to the argument list. % % When the lsim function is invoked a plot is not displayed; % however, the data is returned in @var{y} (system output) % and @var{x} (system states). % @end deftypefn