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% O B S O L E T E * * * D O N O T U S E~


function [K, Q, P, Ee, Er] = dlqg (A, B, C, G, Sigw, Sigv, Q, R)


%  O B S O L E T E * * * D O   N O T   U S E~
%  Use lqg instead.
% function [K,Q,P,Ee,Er] = dlqg(A,B,C,G,Sigw,Sigv,Q,R)
% function [K,Q,P,Ee,Er] = dlqg(Sys,Sigw,Sigv,Q,R)
% design a discrete-time linear quadratic gaussian optimal controller
% for the system
%  x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k) + G w(k)       [w]=N(0,[Sigw 0    ])
%    y(k) = C x(k) + v(k)                  [v]  (    0   Sigv ])
% Outputs:
%    K: system data structure format LQG optimal controller
%    P: Solution of control (state feedback) algebraic Riccati equation
%    Q: Solution of estimation algebraic Riccati equation
%    Ee: estimator poles
%    Es: controller poles
% inputs:
%  A,B,C,G, or Sys: state space representation of system.
%  Sigw, Sigv: covariance matrices of independent Gaussian noise processes
%      (as above)
%  Q, R: state, control weighting matrices for dlqr call respectively.
% See also: lqg, dlqe, dlqr


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