SOPEN opens signal files for reading and writing and returns
function [HDR,H1,h2] = sopen(arg1,PERMISSION,CHAN,MODE,arg5,arg6)
This function calls:
- bdf2biosig_events BDF2BIOSIG_EVENTS converts BDF Status channel into BioSig Event codes.
- bkropen BKROPEN opens BKR file
- bni2hdr BNI2HDR converts BNI header information into BioSig Header information
- bv2biosig_events BV2BIOSIG_EVENTS converts VMRK marker information BioSig Event codes.
- cntopen CNTOPEN opens neuroscan files (but does not read the data).
- famosopen FAMOSOPEN opens FAMOS file
- fefopen FEFOPEN opens and reads FEF file
- fltopen FLTOPEN opens FLT file
- gdfdatatype GDFDATATYPE converts number into data type according to the definition of the GDF format [1].
- getfiletype GETFILETYPE get file type
- iopen IOPEN opens image files for reading and writing and returns
- leadidcodexyz LeadIdCodeXYZ uses the Label information for computing the
- matread MATRREAD Loads (parts of) data stored in Matlab-format
- mwfopen MWFOPEN reads MFER files
- opendicom OPENDICOM is an auxillary function to SOPEN for
- openiff OPENIFF is an auxillary function to SOPEN for
- openldr OPENLDR loads neuroscan LDR files
- openxml OPENXML reads XML files and tries to extract biosignal data
- physicalunits PHYSICALUNITS converts PhysDim inte PhysDimCode and vice versa
- sclose SCLOSE closes the file with the handle HDR
- scpopen SCPOPEN reads and writes SCP-ECG files
- sopen SOPEN opens signal files for reading and writing and returns
- sread SREAD loads selected segments of signal file
- str2double % STR2DOUBLE converts strings into numeric values
This function is called by:
- eload ELOAD loads EVENT data
- fepi2gdf function [s,H]=fepi2gdf(fn);
- hdr2ascii HDR2ASCII converts the header information into ASCII text.
- save2bkr SAVE2BKR loads EEG data and saves it in BKR format
- save2edf SAVE2GDF loads EEG data and saves it in GDF format
- save2gdf SAVE2GDF loads EEG data and saves it in GDF format
- sload SLOAD loads signal data of various data formats
- sopen SOPEN opens signal files for reading and writing and returns
- ssave SSAVE saves signal data in various data formats
- trigandsave2gdf TrigAndSave2GDF loads and triggers signal data and saves it to a GDF-file
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