OPENLDR loads neuroscan LDR files LDR = OPENLDR(Filename [, PERMISSION [, Mode]]); LDR = OPENLDR(LDR [, PERMISSION [, Mode]]); LDR is a struct with the following fields LDR.FileName Name of LDR-file LDR.Label_Out Labels of output channels LDR.Label_In Labels of input channels LDR.RR re-referencing matrix LDR.datatype 'REREF_MATRIX' indicates this datatype PERMISSION 'r' reads LDR file 'w' writes LDR file 'r+w' reads and writes LDR file (useful in combination with RESCALE-Mode) Mode [optional] 'RESCALE' performs a rescaling of the weights sum of positive weights becomes +1 sum of negative weights becomes -1