SAVE2BKR loads EEG data and saves it in BKR format The following data formats are supported: CNT, EDF, BKR, MAT, etc. format HDR = save2bkr(sourcefile [, destfile [, option]]); HDR = eegchkhdr(); HDR = save2bkr(HDR,data); sourcefile sourcefile wildcards are allowed destfile destination file in BKR format if destfile is empty or a directory, sourcefile but with extension .bkr is used. options gain Gain factor for unscaled EEG data (e.g. old Matlab files) 'removeDC' removes mean 'regressEOG k:l,m:n' removes EOG (channels m:n) from EEG (channels k:l) 'autoscale k:l' uses only channels from k to l for scaling 'detrend k:l' channels from k to l are detrended with an FIR-highpass filter. 'PhysMax=XXX' uses a fixed scaling factor; might be important for concanating BKR files +XXX and -XXX correspond to the maximum and minimum physical value, resp. You can concanate several options by separating with space, komma or semicolon HDR Header, HDR.FileName must contain target filename data data samples Examples: save2bkr('/tmp/*.cnt',[],'autoscale 5:30'); converts all CNT-files from subdir /tmp/ into BKR files and saves them in the current directory save2bkr('/tmp/*.cnt','/tmp2/','autoscale 5:30, PhysMax=200'); converts all CNT-files from subdir /tmp/ into BKR files and saves them in the directory /tmp2/ see also: EEGCHKHDR, REGRESS_EOG, SLOAD