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Index for ./freetb4matlab/signal

Matlab files in this directory:

 ar_psd% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 arburg% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 arch_fit% Fit an ARCH regression model to the time series @var{y} using the
 arch_rnd% Simulate an ARCH sequence of length @var{t} with AR
 arch_test% For a linear regression model
 arma_rnd% Return a simulation of the ARMA model
 aryule% error: [a, v, k] = aryule (x, p)
 autocor% Return the autocorrelations from lag 0 to @var{h} of vector @var{x}.
 autocov% Return the autocovariances from lag 0 to @var{h} of vector @var{x}.
 autoreg_matrix% Given a time series (vector) @var{y}, return a matrix with ones in the
 barthannwin% Compute the modified Bartlett-Hann window of lenght L.
 bartlett% Return the filter coefficients of a Bartlett (triangular) window of
 bilinear% error: [Zz, Zp, Zg] = bilinear(Sz, Sp, Sg, T)
 bitrevorder% Reorder x in the bit reversed order
 blackman% Return the filter coefficients of a Blackman window of length @var{m}.
 blackmanharris% Compute the Blackman-Harris window.
 blackmannuttall% Compute the Blackman-Nuttall window.
 bohmanwin% Compute the Bohman window of lenght L.
 boxcar% error: w = boxcar (n)
 buffer% Buffer a signal into a data frame. The arguments to @code{buffer} are
 butter% Generate a butterworth filter.
 buttord% Compute butterworth filter order and cutoff for the desired response
 cceps% error: cceps (x [, correct])
 cheb% Usage: cheb (n, x)
 cheb1ord% Compute chebyshev type I filter order and cutoff for the desired response
 cheb2ord% Compute chebyshev type II filter order and cutoff for the desired response
 chebwin% Usage: chebwin (n, at)
 cheby1% Generate an Chebyshev type I filter with Rp dB of pass band ripple.
 cheby2% Generate an Chebyshev type II filter with Rs dB of stop band attenuation.
 chirp% error: y = chirp(t [, f0 [, t1 [, f1 [, form [, phase]]]]])
 cmorwavf% Compute the Complex Morlet wavelet.
 cohere% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 convmtx% If @var{a} is a column vector and @var{x} is a column vector
 cplxreal% Copyright (C) 2005 Julius O. Smith III
 cpsd% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 csd% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 czt% error y=czt(x, m, w, a)
 dct% y = dct (x, n)
 dct2% y = dct2 (x)
 dctmtx% T = dctmtx (n)
 decimate% error: y = decimate(x, q [, n] [, ftype])
 detrend% If @var{x} is a vector, @code{detrend (@var{x}, @var{p})} removes the
 diffpara% Return the estimator @var{d} for the differencing parameter of an
 diric% Compute the dirichlet function.
 downsample% Downsample the signal, selecting every nth element. If @var{x}
 dst% Computes the type I discrete sine transform of @var{x}. If @var{n} is given,
 durbinlevinson% Perform one step of the Durbin-Levinson algorithm.
 dwt% Comupte de discrete wavelet transform of x with one level.
 ellip% N-ellip 0.2.1
 ellipord% error: [n,wp] = ellipord(wp,ws, rp,rs)
 fftconv% Return the convolution of the vectors @var{a} and @var{b}, as a vector
 fftshift% Perform a shift of the vector @var{v}, for use with the @code{fft}
 fht% @cindex linear algebra
 filter2% Apply the 2-D FIR filter @var{b} to @var{x}. If the argument
 filtfilt% error: y = filtfilt(b, a, x)
 filtic% Set initial condition vector for filter function
 fir1% error: b = fir1(n, w [, type] [, window] [, noscale])
 fir2% error: b = fir2(n, f, m [, grid_n [, ramp_n]] [, window])
 firls% b = firls(N, F, A);
 flattopwin% flattopwin(n, [periodic|symmetric])
 fracshift% Shift the series @var{x} by a (possibly fractional) number of samples @var{d}.
 fractdiff% Compute the fractional differences @math{(1-L)^d x} where @math{L}
 freqsCopyright (C) 2003 Julius O. Smith III
 freqs_plot% Plot the amplitude and phase of the vector @var{h}.
 freqz% Return the complex frequency response @var{h} of the rational IIR filter
 freqz_plot% Plot the pass band, stop band and phase response of @var{h}.
 gauspuls% Return the Gaussian modulated sinusoidal pulse.
 gaussian% error: w = gaussian(n, a)
 gausswin% error: w = gausswin(n, a)
 gmonopuls% Return the gaussian monopulse.
 grpdelay% Compute the group delay of a filter.
 hamming% Return the filter coefficients of a Hamming window of length @var{m}.
 hannw = hann(n)
 hanning% Return the filter coefficients of a Hanning window of length @var{m}.
 hilbert% Analytic extension of real valued signal
 hurst% Estimate the Hurst parameter of sample @var{x} via the rescaled range
 idct% y = dct (x, n)
 idct2% y = idct2 (x)
 idst% Computes the inverse type I discrete sine transform of @var{y}. If @var{n} is
 ifftshift% Undo the action of the @code{fftshift} function. For even length
 ifht% @cindex linear algebra
 impz% error: [x, t] = impz(b [, a, n, fs])
 interp% error: y = interp(x, q [, n [, Wc]])
 invfreqCopyright (C) 1986,2003 Julius O. Smith III
 invfreqsCopyright (C) 1986,2003 Julius O. Smith III
 invfreqzCopyright (C) 1986,2003 Julius O. Smith III
 kaiser% error: kaiser (n, beta)
 kaiserord% error: [n, Wn, beta, ftype] = kaiserord(f, m, dev [, fs])
 levinson% error: [a, v, ref] = levinson (acf [, p])
 mexihat% Compute the Mexican hat wavelet.
 meyeraux% Compute the Meyer wavelet auxiliary function.
 morlet% Compute the Morlet wavelet.
 mscohere% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 ncauer% error: [Zz, Zp, Zg] = ncauer(Rp, Rs, n)
 nuttallwin% Compute the Blackman-Harris window defined by Nuttall of length L.
 parzenwin% Compute the Parzen window of lenght L.
 pburg% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 periodogram% For a data matrix @var{x} from a sample of size @var{n}, return the
 polystab% b = polystab(a)
 pulstran% error: y=pulstran(t,d,'func',...)
 pwelch% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 pyulear% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 qp_kaiser% Usage: qp_kaiser (nb, at, linear)
 rceps% error: [y, xm] = rceps(x)
 rectangle_lw% Rectangular lag window. Subfunction used for spectral density
 rectangle_sw% Rectangular spectral window. Subfunction used for spectral density
 rectpuls% error: y = rectpuls(t, w)
 rectwin% Return the filter coefficients of a rectangle window of length N.
 resample% Change the sample rate of @var{x} by a factor of @var{p}/@var{q}. This is
 residued% Copyright (C) 2005 Julius O. Smith III
 residuez% Copyright (C) 2005 Julius O. Smith III
 sampled2continuous% Copyright (C) 2009 Muthiah Annamalai
 sawtooth% Generates a sawtooth wave of period @code{2 * pi} with limits @code{+1/-1}
 sftrans% error: [Sz, Sp, Sg] = sftrans(Sz, Sp, Sg, W, stop)
 sgolay% F = sgolay (p, n [, m [, ts]])
 sgolayfilt% y = sgolayfilt (x, p, n [, m [, ts]])
 shanwavf% Compute the Complex Shannon wavelet.
 sinc% Return
 sinetone% Return a sinetone of frequency @var{freq} with length of @var{sec}
 sinewave% Return an @var{m}-element vector with @var{i}-th element given by
 sos2tf% Copyright (C) 2005 Julius O. Smith III
 sos2zp% Copyright (C) 2005 Julius O. Smith III
 specgram% error: [S [, f [, t]]] = specgram(x [, n [, Fs [, window [, overlap]]]])
 spectral_adf% Return the spectral density estimator given a vector of
 spectral_xdf% Return the spectral density estimator given a data vector @var{x},
 spencer% Return Spencer's 15 point moving average of every single column of
 square% s = square(t,duty)
 stft% Compute the short-time Fourier transform of the vector @var{x} with
 synthesis% Compute a signal from its short-time Fourier transform @var{y} and a
 tf2sos% Copyright (C) 2005 Julius O. Smith III
 tfe% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 tfestimate% Copyright (C) 2006 Peter V. Lanspeary
 triang% error: w = triang (n)
 triangle_lw% Triangular lag window. Subfunction used for spectral density
 triangle_sw% Triangular spectral window. Subfunction used for spectral density
 tripuls% error: y = tripuls(t, w, skew)
 tukeywin% Return the filter coefficients of a Tukey window (also known as the
 upfirdn% Upsample, filter and downsample a signal.
 upsample% Upsample the signal, inserting n-1 zeros between every element.
 welchwin% Returns a row vector containing a Welch window, given by
 window% Create a @var{n}-point windowing from the function @var{f}. The
 wkeep% Extract the elements of x of size l from the center, the right or the left.
 wrev% Reverse the order of the element of the vector x.
 xcorr% error: [R, lag] = xcorr (X [, Y] [, maxlag] [, scale])
 xcorr2% C = xcorr2 (A, B)
 xcov% error: [c, lag] = xcov (X [, Y] [, maxlag] [, scale])
 yulewalker% Fit an AR (p)-model with Yule-Walker estimates given a vector @var{c}
 zp2sos% Copyright (C) 2005 Julius O. Smith III
 zplane% error: zplane(b [, a]) or zplane(z [, p])

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