Home > freetb4matlab > signal > pulstran.m



% error: y=pulstran(t,d,'func',...)


function y = pulstran(t, d, pulse, varargin)


% error: y=pulstran(t,d,'func',...)
%        y=pulstran(t,d,p,Fs,'interp')
% Generate the signal y=sum(func(t+d,...)) for each d.  If d is a
% matrix of two columns, the first column is the delay d and the second
% column is the amplitude a, and y=sum(a*func(t+d)) for each d,a.
% Clearly, func must be a function which accepts a vector of times.
% Any extra arguments needed for the function must be tagged on the end.
% Example
%   fs = 11025;  % arbitrary sample rate
%   f0 = 100;    % pulse train sample rate
%   w = 0.001;   % pulse width of 1 millisecond
%   auplot(pulstran(0:1/fs:0.1, 0:1/f0:0.1, 'rectpuls', w), fs);
% If instead of a function name you supply a pulse shape sampled at
% frequency Fs (default 1 Hz),  an interpolated version of the pulse
% is added at each delay d.  The interpolation stays within the the
% time range of the delayed pulse.  The interpolation method defaults
% to linear, but it can be any interpolation method accepted by the
% function interp1.
% Example
%   fs = 11025;  % arbitrary sample rate
%   f0 = 100;    % pulse train sample rate
%   w = boxcar(10);  % pulse width of 1 millisecond at 10 kHz
%   auplot(pulstran(0:1/fs:0.1, 0:1/f0:0.1, w, 10000), fs);


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