Home > freetb4matlab > signal > firls.m



% b = firls(N, F, A);


function coef = firls(N, frequencies, pass, weight, str);


% b = firls(N, F, A);
% b = firls(N, F, A, W);
%  FIR filter design using least squares method. Returns a length N+1
%  linear phase filter such that the integral of the weighted mean
%  squared error in the specified bands is minimized.
%  F specifies the frequencies of the band edges, normalized so that
%  half the sample frequency is equal to 1.  Each band is specified by
%  two frequencies, to the vector must have an even length.
%  A specifies the amplitude of the desired response at each band edge.
%  W is an optional weighting function that contains one value for each
%  band that weights the mean squared error in that band. A must be the
%  same length as F, and W must be half the length of F.


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