accumarray | % |
adresamp2 | % Perform an adaptive resampling of a planar curve. |
arrayfun | % |
bicubic | % |
bitcmp | % Return the @var{k}-bit complement of integers in @var{a}. If |
bitget | % Return the status of bit(s) @var{n} of unsigned integers in @var{a} |
bitset | % Set or reset bit(s) @var{n} of unsigned integers in @var{a}. |
blkdiag | % Build a block diagonal matrix from @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{c}, @dots{}. |
cart2pol | % Transform Cartesian to polar or cylindrical coordinates. |
cart2sph | % Transform Cartesian to spherical coordinates. |
cell2mat | % Convert the cell array @var{c} into a matrix by concatenating all |
celldisp | % Recursively display the contents of a cell array. By default the values |
cellidx | % Return indices of string entries in @var{listvar} that match strings |
circshift | % Circularly shifts the values of the array @var{x}. @var{n} must be |
colon | % Method of a class to construct a range with the @code{:} operator. For |
common_size | % Determine if all input arguments are either scalar or of common |
cplxpair | % Sort the numbers @var{z} into complex conjugate pairs ordered by |
cumtrapz | % |
dblquad | % Numerically evaluate a double integral. The function over with to |
deal | % |
del2 | % |
diff | % If @var{x} is a vector of length @var{n}, @code{diff (@var{x})} is the |
display | % Display the contents of an object. If @var{a} is an object of the |
flipdim | % Return a copy of @var{x} flipped about the dimension @var{dim}. |
fliplr | % Return a copy of @var{x} with the order of the columns reversed. For |
flipud | % Return a copy of @var{x} with the order of the rows reversed. For |
genvarname | % Create unique variable(s) from @var{str}. If @var{exclusions} is |
gradient | % |
idivide | % Integer division with different round rules. The standard behavior of |
ind2sub | % Convert a linear index into subscripts. |
int2str | % Convert an integer (or array of integers) to a string (or a character |
interp1 | % |
interp1q | % One-dimensional linear interpolation without error checking. |
interp2 | % |
interp3 | % |
interpft | % |
interpn | % |
is_duplicate_entry | % Return non-zero if any entries in @var{x} are duplicates of one |
isa | % Return true if @var{x} is a value from the class @var{class}. |
isdefinite | % Return 1 if @var{x} is symmetric positive definite within the |
isdir | % Return true if @var{f} is a directory. |
isequal | % Return true if all of @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{} are equal. |
isequalwithequalnans | % Assuming NaN == NaN, return true if all of @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{} |
isscalar | % Return 1 if @var{a} is a scalar. Otherwise, return 0. |
issquare | % If @var{x} is a square matrix, then return the dimension of @var{x}. |
issymmetric | % If @var{x} is symmetric within the tolerance specified by @var{tol}, |
isvector | % Return 1 if @var{a} is a vector. Otherwise, return 0. |
loadobj | % Method of a class to manipulate an object after loading it from a file. |
logical | % Convert @var{arg} to a logical value. For example, |
logspace | % Similar to @code{linspace} except that the values are logarithmically |
mod | % Compute the modulo of @var{x} and @var{y}. Conceptually this is given by |
nargchk | % Return an appropriate error message string (or structure) if the |
nargoutchk | % Return an appropriate error message string (or structure) if the |
nextpow2 | % If @var{x} is a scalar, return the first integer @var{n} such that |
nthroot | % |
num2str | % Convert a number (or array) to a string (or a character array). The |
parcellfun | % Evaluates a function for multiple argument sets using multiple processes. |
perror | % Print the error message for function @var{name} corresponding to the |
pol2cart | % Transform polar or cylindrical to Cartesian coordinates. |
polyarea | % |
postpad | % @seealso{prepad, resize} |
prepad | % Prepend (append) the scalar value @var{c} to the vector @var{x} |
quadgk | % Numerically evaluate integral using adaptive Gauss-Konrod quadrature. |
quadl | % |
quadv | % |
randperm | % Return a row vector containing a random permutation of the |
rat | % |
rem | % Return the remainder of the division @code{@var{x} / @var{y}}, computed |
repmat | % Form a block matrix of size @var{m} by @var{n}, with a copy of matrix |
rot90 | % Return a copy of @var{x} with the elements rotated counterclockwise in |
rotdim | % Return a copy of @var{x} with the elements rotated counterclockwise in |
runlength | % Find the lengths of all sequences of common values. Return the |
safeprod | % This function forms product(s) of elements of the array @var{x} along the dimension |
saveobj | % Method of a class to manipulate an object prior to saving it to a file. |
shift | % If @var{x} is a vector, perform a circular shift of length @var{b} of |
shiftdim | % Shifts the dimension of @var{x} by @var{n}, where @var{n} must be |
sortrows | % Sort the rows of the matrix @var{a} according to the order of the |
sph2cart | % Transform spherical to Cartesian coordinates. |
strerror | % Return the text of an error message for function @var{name} |
structfun | % |
sub2ind | % Convert subscripts into a linear index. |
subsindex | % Convert an object to an index vector. When @var{a} is a class object |
trapz | % |
tril | % Return a new matrix formed by extracting the lower (@code{tril}) |
triplequad | % Numerically evaluate a triple integral. The function over which to |
triu | % See tril. |
unresamp2 | % Perform a uniform resampling of a planar curve. |
unvech | % Performs the reverse of 'vech'. Generates a symmetric matrix from the lower |