% Return 1 if @var{a} is a vector. Otherwise, return 0.
function retval = isvector (x)
This function calls:
This function is called by:
- adresamp2 % Perform an adaptive resampling of a planar curve.
- bicubic %
- circshift % Circularly shifts the values of the array @var{x}. @var{n} must be
- gradient %
- ind2sub % Convert a linear index into subscripts.
- interp1 %
- interp2 %
- interp3 %
- interpft %
- interpn %
- nextpow2 % If @var{x} is a scalar, return the first integer @var{n} such that
- repmat % Form a block matrix of size @var{m} by @var{n}, with a copy of matrix
- rotdim % Return a copy of @var{x} with the elements rotated counterclockwise in
- sub2ind % Convert subscripts into a linear index.
- unresamp2 % Perform a uniform resampling of a planar curve.
- unvech % Performs the reverse of 'vech'. Generates a symmetric matrix from the lower
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