PURPOSE ![^](../../up.png)
% Return true if @var{x} is a value from the class @var{class}.
SYNOPSIS ![^](../../up.png)
function retval = isa (x, cname)
DESCRIPTION ![^](../../up.png)
This function calls:
This function is called by:
- bicubic %
- bitcmp % Return the @var{k}-bit complement of integers in @var{a}. If
- bitget % Return the status of bit(s) @var{n} of unsigned integers in @var{a}
- bitset % Set or reset bit(s) @var{n} of unsigned integers in @var{a}.
- cplxpair % Sort the numbers @var{z} into complex conjugate pairs ordered by
- gradient %
- isdefinite % Return 1 if @var{x} is symmetric positive definite within the
- issymmetric % If @var{x} is symmetric within the tolerance specified by @var{tol},
- parcellfun % Evaluates a function for multiple argument sets using multiple processes.
- quadgk % Numerically evaluate integral using adaptive Gauss-Konrod quadrature.
- quadl %
- quadv %
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