aar | Calculates adaptive autoregressive (AAR) and adaptive autoregressive moving average estimates (AARMA) |
aarmam | Estimating Adaptive AutoRegressive-Moving-Average-and-mean model (includes mean term) |
ac2poly | converts the autocorrelation sequence into an AR polynomial |
ac2rc | converts the autocorrelation function into reflection coefficients |
acorf | Calculates autocorrelations for multiple data series. |
acovf | ACOVF estimates autocovariance function (not normalized) |
adim | ADIM adaptive information matrix. Estimates the inverse |
amarma | Adaptive Mean-AutoRegressive-Moving-Average model estimation |
ar2poly | converts autoregressive parameters into AR polymials |
ar2rc | converts autoregressive parameters into reflection coefficients |
ar_spa | AR_SPA decomposes an AR-spectrum into its compontents |
arcext | ARCEXT extracts AR and RC of order P from Matrix MX |
arfit2 | ARFIT2 estimates multivariate autoregressive parameters |
biacovf | BiAutoCovariance function |
bisdemo | BISDEMO (script) Shows BISPECTRUM of eeg8s.mat |
bispec | Calculates Bispectrum |
content | Time Series Analysis (Ver 3.10) |
contents | Time Series Analysis - A toolbox for the use with Matlab and Octave. |
detrend | DETREND removes the trend from data, NaN's are considered as missing values |
durlev | function [AR,RC,PE] = durlev(ACF); |
flag_implicit_samplerate | The use of FLAG_IMPLICIT_SAMPLERATE is in experimental state. |
flix | floating point index - interpolates data in case of non-integer indices |
histo | HISTO calculates histogram for each column |
histo2 | HISTO2 calculates histogram of each column |
histo3 | HISTO3 calculates histogram and performs data compression |
histo4 | HISTO4 calculates histogram for rows and supports data compression |
hup | HUP(C) tests if the polynomial C is a Hurwitz-Polynomial. |
invest0 | First Investigation of a signal (time series) - automated part |
invest1 | First Investigation of a signal (time series) - interactive |
invfdemo | invfdemo demonstrates Inverse Filtering |
lattice | Estimates AR(p) model parameter with lattice algorithm (Burg 1968) |
lpc | LPC Linear prediction coefficients |
mvaar | Multivariate (Vector) adaptive AR estimation base on a multidimensional |
mvar | MVAR estimates Multi-Variate AutoRegressive model parameters |
mvfilter | Multi-variate filter function |
mvfreqz | MVFREQZ multivariate frequency response |
pacf | Partial Autocorrelation function |
parcor | estimates partial autocorrelation coefficients |
poly2ac | converts an AR polynomial into an autocorrelation sequence |
poly2ar | Converts AR polymials into autoregressive parameters. |
poly2rc | converts AR-polynomial into reflection coefficients |
rc2ac | converts reflection coefficients to autocorrelation sequence |
rc2ar | converts reflection coefficients into autoregressive parameters |
rc2poly | converts reflection coefficients into an AR-polynomial |
rmle | RMLE estimates AR Parameters using the Recursive Maximum Likelihood |
sbispec | SBISPEC show BISPECTRUM |
selmo | Model order selection of an autoregrssive model |
selmo2 | SELMO2 - model order selection for univariate and multivariate |
sinvest1 | SINVEST1 shows the parameters of a time series calculated by INVEST1 |
tsademo | TSADEMO demonstrates INVEST1 on EEG data |
ucp | UCP(C) tests if the polynomial C is a Unit-Circle-Polynomial. |
y2res | Y2RES evaluates basic statistics of a data series |