Contents | BIOSIG/T400 contains classifiers. |
classify | CLASSIFY classifies sample data into categories |
decovm | decompose extended covariance matrix into mean (mu), |
ecovm | ECOVM produces an extended Covariance matrix, |
fc0 | FC finds a classifier for asnychroneous data |
findclassifier | FINDCLASSIFIER |
findclassifier1 | FINDCLASSIFIER1 |
findclassifier2 | FINDCLASSIFIER2 |
getclassifier | GETCLASSIFIER yields the classifier from labeled data |
perm | PERM gives a vector containing all possible sums of two vectors |
test_sc | TEST_SC: apply statistical and SVM classifier to test data |
train_lda_sparse | Linear Discriminant Analysis for the Small Sample Size Problem as described in |
train_sc | Train a (statistical) classifier |
untrain_sc | UnTrain - decrementaal learning (untraining) of classifier |
xval | XVAL is used for crossvalidation |