% Returns the specified local time as a day number, with Jan 1, 0000
function [days, secs] = datenum (Y, M, D, h, m, s)
This function calls:
- datevec % Convert a serial date number (see @code{datenum}) or date string (see
This function is called by:
- addtodate % Add @var{q} amount of time (with units @var{f}) to the datenum, @var{d}.
- busdate %
- busdays % Generate a list of business dates at the end of the periods defined
- calendar % If called with no arguments, return the current monthly calendar in
- datestr % Format the given date/time according to the format @code{f} and return
- datetick % Adds date formatted tick labels to an axis. The axis the apply the
- daysact % Calculates the number of days between two dates. If the second date is not
- easter %
- eomdate % Return the last day of the month @var{m} for the year @var{y} in
- etime % Return the difference (in seconds) between two time values returned from
- fbusdate %
- holidays %
- isbusday %
- m2xdate %
- now % Returns the current local time as the number of days since Jan 1, 0000.
- nweekdate %
- thirdwednesday %
- weekday % Return the day of week as a number in @var{n} and a string in @var{s},
- x2mdate %
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