Home > freetb4matlab > time > busdays.m



% Generate a list of business dates at the end of the periods defined


function bd = busdays (sd, ed, mode=1, hol=[])


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{bdates} =} busdays (@var{sdate}, @var{edate})
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{bdates} =} busdays (@var{sdate}, @var{edate}, @var{bdmode})
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{bdates} =} busdays (@var{sdate}, @var{edate}, @var{bdmode}, @var{holvec})
% Generate a list of business dates at the end of the periods defined
% between (including) @var{sdate} and @var{edate}.
% @var{sdate} is the starting date, @var{edate} is the ending date,
% both are in serial date format (see datenum).  @var{bdmode} is the
% business day frequency ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly',
% 'semiannual', or 'annual'); these can be abbreviated by the first
% letter and they may also use an integer corresponding to the order in
% the above list (i.e. 'daily' = 1).  @var{holvec} is an optional list
% of holidays.  If the holidays are not given, then the holidays
% function is used.
% @seealso{holidays, busdate, lbusdate, isbusday, fbusdate, datenum}
% @end deftypefn


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