Home > freetb4matlab > time > datestr.m



% Format the given date/time according to the format @code{f} and return


function retval = datestr (date, f, p)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{str} =} datestr (@var{date}, [@var{f}, [@var{p}]])
% Format the given date/time according to the format @code{f} and return
% the result in @var{str}.  @var{date} is a serial date number (see
% @code{datenum}) or a date vector (see @code{datevec}).  The value of
% @var{date} may also be a string or cell array of strings.
% @var{f} can be an integer which corresponds to one of the codes in
% the table below, or a date format string.
% @var{p} is the year at the start of the century in which two-digit years
% are to be interpreted in.  If not specified, it defaults to the current
% year minus 50.
% For example, the date 730736.65149 (2000-09-07 15:38:09.0934) would be
% formatted as follows:
% @multitable @columnfractions 0.1 0.45 0.35
% @headitem Code @tab Format @tab Example
% @item  0 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS   @tab 07-Sep-2000 15:38:09
% @item  1 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy            @tab 07-Sep-2000
% @item  2 @tab mm/dd/yy               @tab 09/07/00
% @item  3 @tab mmm                    @tab Sep
% @item  4 @tab m                      @tab S
% @item  5 @tab mm                     @tab 09
% @item  6 @tab mm/dd                  @tab 09/07
% @item  7 @tab dd                     @tab 07
% @item  8 @tab ddd                    @tab Thu
% @item  9 @tab d                      @tab T
% @item 10 @tab yyyy                   @tab 2000
% @item 11 @tab yy                     @tab 00
% @item 12 @tab mmmyy                  @tab Sep00
% @item 13 @tab HH:MM:SS               @tab 15:38:09
% @item 14 @tab HH:MM:SS PM            @tab 03:38:09 PM
% @item 15 @tab HH:MM                  @tab 15:38
% @item 16 @tab HH:MM PM               @tab 03:38 PM
% @item 17 @tab QQ-YY                  @tab Q3-00
% @item 18 @tab QQ                     @tab Q3
% @item 19 @tab dd/mm                  @tab 13/03
% @item 20 @tab dd/mm/yy               @tab 13/03/95
% @item 21 @tab mmm.dd.yyyy HH:MM:SS   @tab Mar.03.1962 13:53:06
% @item 22 @tab mmm.dd.yyyy            @tab Mar.03.1962
% @item 23 @tab mm/dd/yyyy             @tab 03/13/1962
% @item 24 @tab dd/mm/yyyy             @tab 12/03/1962
% @item 25 @tab yy/mm/dd               @tab 95/03/13
% @item 26 @tab yyyy/mm/dd             @tab 1995/03/13
% @item 27 @tab QQ-YYYY                @tab Q4-2132
% @item 28 @tab mmmyyyy                @tab Mar2047
% @item 29 @tab yyyymmdd               @tab 20470313
% @item 30 @tab yyyymmddTHHMMSS        @tab 20470313T132603
% @item 31 @tab yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS    @tab 1047-03-13 13:26:03
% @end multitable
% If @var{f} is a format string, the following symbols are recognized:
% @multitable @columnfractions 0.1 0.7 0.2
% @headitem Symbol @tab Meaning @tab Example
% @item yyyy @tab Full year                                    @tab 2005
% @item yy   @tab Two-digit year                               @tab 2005
% @item mmmm @tab Full month name                              @tab December
% @item mmm  @tab Abbreviated month name                       @tab Dec
% @item mm   @tab Numeric month number (padded with zeros)     @tab 01, 08, 12
% @item m    @tab First letter of month name (capitalized)     @tab D
% @item dddd @tab Full weekday name                            @tab Sunday
% @item ddd  @tab Abbreviated weekday name                     @tab Sun
% @item dd   @tab Numeric day of month (padded with zeros)     @tab 11
% @item d    @tab First letter of weekday name (capitalized)   @tab S
% @item HH   @tab Hour of day, padded with zeros if PM is set  @tab 09:00
% @item      @tab and not padded with zeros otherwise          @tab 9:00 AM
% @item MM   @tab Minute of hour (padded with zeros)           @tab 10:05
% @item SS   @tab Second of minute (padded with zeros)         @tab 10:05:03
% @item PM   @tab Use 12-hour time format                      @tab 11:30 PM
% @end multitable
% If @var{f} is not specified or is @code{-1}, then use 0, 1 or 16,
% depending on whether the date portion or the time portion of
% @var{date} is empty.
% If @var{p} is nor specified, it defaults to the current year minus 50.
% If a matrix or cell array of dates is given, a vector of date strings is
% returned.
% @seealso{datenum, datevec, date, clock, now, datetick}
% @end deftypefn


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