< Master index Index for ./freetb4matlab/specfun >

Index for ./freetb4matlab/specfun

Matlab files in this directory:

 Ci% CI compute the cosine integral function define by:
 Si%SI compute the sine integral function define by:
 bessel% Compute Bessel or Hankel functions of various kinds:
 beta% For real inputs, return the Beta function,
 betai% This function is provided for compatibility with older versions of
 betaln% Return the log of the Beta function,
 cosint% COSINT compute the cosine integral function define by:
 dirac% Compute the dirac delta function.
 ellipj% error: [sn,cn,dn] = ellipj(u,m[,tol])
 ellipke% Compute:
 erfcinv% Compute the inverse complementary error function.
 erfcxCopyright (C) 2006 Sylvain Pelissier
 erfinv% Computes the inverse of the error function.
 expint% EXPINT compute the exponential integral,
 expint_E1% EXPINT_E1 compute the exponential integral,
 expint_Ei% EXPINT_EI compute the exponential integral,
 factorial% Return the factorial of @var{n} where @var{n} is a positive integer. If
 gammai% This function is provided for compatibility with older versions of
 heaviside% Compute the Heaviside step function.
 lambertw% error: lambertw(z) or lambertw(n,z)
 legendre% Compute the Legendre function of degree @var{n} and order
 pow2% With one argument, computes
 psiCopyright (C) 2006 Sylvain Pelissier
 reallog% Return the real-valued natural logarithm of each element of @var{x}. Report
 realpow% Compute the real-valued, element-by-element power operator. This is
 realsqrt% Return the real-valued square root of each element of @var{x}. Report an
 sinint%SININT compute the sine integral function.
 zetaCopyright (C) 2006 Sylvain Pelissier

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