addstat | ADDSTAT add statistic |
atest | ATEST calculates some basic statistics and |
atest1 | ATEST calculates some basic statistics and |
center | CENTER removes the mean |
coefficient_of_variation | COEFFICIENT_OF_VARIATION returns STD(X)/MEAN(X) |
conv2nan | CONV2 2-dimensional convolution |
cor | COR calculates the correlation matrix |
corrcoef | CORRCOEF calculates the correlation matrix from pairwise correlations. |
cov | COV covariance matrix |
covm | COVM generates covariance matrix |
detrend | DETREND removes the trend from data, NaN's are considered as missing values |
ecdf | ECDF empirical cumulative function |
flag_implicit_significance | The use of FLAG_IMPLICIT_SIGNIFICANCE is in experimental state. |
flag_implicit_skip_nan | FLAG_IMPLICIT_SKIP_NAN sets and gets default mode for handling NaNs |
flag_nans_occured | FLAG_NANS_OCCURED checks whether the last call(s) to sumskipnan or covm |
geomean | GEOMEAN calculates the geomentric mean of data elements. |
harmmean | HARMMEAN calculates the harmonic mean of data elements. |
iqr | IQR calculates the interquartile range |
kurtosis | KURTOSIS estimates the kurtosis |
mad | MAD estimates the Mean Absolute deviation |
mean | MEAN calculates the mean of data elements. |
meandev | MEANDEV estimates the Mean deviation |
meansq | MEANSQ calculates the mean of the squares |
medAbsDev | medAbsDev calculates the median absolute deviation |
median | MEDIAN data elements, |
mod | MOD(x,y) calculates Modules Y from X |
moment | MOMENT estimates the p-th moment |
naninsttest | NANINSTTEST checks whether the functions from NaN-toolbox have been |
nanmean | NANMEAN same as SUM but ignores NaN's. |
nanstd | NANSTD same as STD but ignores NaN's. |
nansum | NANSUM same as SUM but ignores NaN's. |
nantest | NANTEST checks several mathematical operations and a few |
normcdf | NORMCDF returns normal cumulative distribtion function |
norminv | NORMINV returns inverse cumulative function of the normal distribution |
normpdf | NORMPDF returns normal probability density |
partcorrcoef | PARTCORRCOEF calculates the partial correlation coefficient. |
percentile | PERCENTILE calculates the percentiles of histograms and sample arrays. |
prctile | PRCTILE calculates the percentiles of histograms and sample arrays. |
quantile | QUANTILE calculates the quantiles of histograms and sample arrays. |
range | IQR calculates the range of Y |
rankcorr | RANKCORR calculated the rank correlation coefficient. |
ranks | RANKS gives the rank of each element in a vector. |
rem | REM calculates remainder of X / Y |
rms | RMS calculates the root mean square |
sem | SEM calculates the standard error of the mean |
skewness | SKEWNESS estimates the skewness |
spearman | SPEARMAN Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. |
statistic | STATISTIC estimates various statistics at once. |
std | STD calculates the standard deviation. |
sumskipnan | SUMSKIPNAN adds all non-NaN values. |
sumsq | SUMSQ calculates the sum of squares. |
tcdf | TCDF returns student cumulative distribtion function |
tiedrank | TIEDRANK compute rank of samples, the mean value is used in case of ties |
tinv | TINV returns inverse cumulative function of the student distribution |
tpdf | TPDF returns student probability density |
trimean | TRIMEAN evaluates basic statistics of a data series |
trimmean | TRIMMEAN calculates the trimmed mean by removing the upper and lower |
unique2 | UNIQUE |
var | VAR calculates the variance. |
wtest | WTEST calculates the Wald statistics |
xcovf | XCOVF generates cross-covariance function. |
zScoreMedian | zScoreMedian removes the median and standardizes by the 1.483*median absolute deviation |
zscore | ZSCORE removes the mean and normalizes the data |