< Master index Index for ./freetb4matlab/NaN >

Index for ./freetb4matlab/NaN

Matlab files in this directory:

 addstatADDSTAT add statistic
 atestATEST calculates some basic statistics and
 atest1ATEST calculates some basic statistics and
 centerCENTER removes the mean
 coefficient_of_variationCOEFFICIENT_OF_VARIATION returns STD(X)/MEAN(X)
 conv2nanCONV2 2-dimensional convolution
 corCOR calculates the correlation matrix
 corrcoefCORRCOEF calculates the correlation matrix from pairwise correlations.
 covCOV covariance matrix
 covmCOVM generates covariance matrix
 detrendDETREND removes the trend from data, NaN's are considered as missing values
 ecdfECDF empirical cumulative function
 flag_implicit_significanceThe use of FLAG_IMPLICIT_SIGNIFICANCE is in experimental state.
 flag_implicit_skip_nanFLAG_IMPLICIT_SKIP_NAN sets and gets default mode for handling NaNs
 flag_nans_occuredFLAG_NANS_OCCURED checks whether the last call(s) to sumskipnan or covm
 geomeanGEOMEAN calculates the geomentric mean of data elements.
 harmmeanHARMMEAN calculates the harmonic mean of data elements.
 iqrIQR calculates the interquartile range
 kurtosisKURTOSIS estimates the kurtosis
 madMAD estimates the Mean Absolute deviation
 meanMEAN calculates the mean of data elements.
 meandevMEANDEV estimates the Mean deviation
 meansqMEANSQ calculates the mean of the squares
 medAbsDevmedAbsDev calculates the median absolute deviation
 medianMEDIAN data elements,
 modMOD(x,y) calculates Modules Y from X
 momentMOMENT estimates the p-th moment
 naninsttestNANINSTTEST checks whether the functions from NaN-toolbox have been
 nanmeanNANMEAN same as SUM but ignores NaN's.
 nanstdNANSTD same as STD but ignores NaN's.
 nansumNANSUM same as SUM but ignores NaN's.
 nantestNANTEST checks several mathematical operations and a few
 normcdfNORMCDF returns normal cumulative distribtion function
 norminvNORMINV returns inverse cumulative function of the normal distribution
 normpdfNORMPDF returns normal probability density
 partcorrcoefPARTCORRCOEF calculates the partial correlation coefficient.
 percentilePERCENTILE calculates the percentiles of histograms and sample arrays.
 prctilePRCTILE calculates the percentiles of histograms and sample arrays.
 quantileQUANTILE calculates the quantiles of histograms and sample arrays.
 rangeIQR calculates the range of Y
 rankcorrRANKCORR calculated the rank correlation coefficient.
 ranksRANKS gives the rank of each element in a vector.
 remREM calculates remainder of X / Y
 rmsRMS calculates the root mean square
 semSEM calculates the standard error of the mean
 skewnessSKEWNESS estimates the skewness
 spearmanSPEARMAN Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.
 statisticSTATISTIC estimates various statistics at once.
 stdSTD calculates the standard deviation.
 sumskipnanSUMSKIPNAN adds all non-NaN values.
 sumsqSUMSQ calculates the sum of squares.
 tcdfTCDF returns student cumulative distribtion function
 tiedrankTIEDRANK compute rank of samples, the mean value is used in case of ties
 tinvTINV returns inverse cumulative function of the student distribution
 tpdfTPDF returns student probability density
 trimeanTRIMEAN evaluates basic statistics of a data series
 trimmeanTRIMMEAN calculates the trimmed mean by removing the upper and lower
 varVAR calculates the variance.
 wtestWTEST calculates the Wald statistics
 xcovfXCOVF generates cross-covariance function.
 zScoreMedianzScoreMedian removes the median and standardizes by the 1.483*median absolute deviation
 zscoreZSCORE removes the mean and normalizes the data

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