STATISTIC estimates various statistics at once. R = STATISTIC(x,DIM) calculates all statistic (see list of fun) in dimension DIM R is a struct with all statistics y = STATISTIC(x,fun) estimate of fun on dimension DIM y gives the statistic of fun DIM dimension 1: STATS of columns 2: STATS of rows N: STATS of N-th dimension default or []: first DIMENSION, with more than 1 element fun 'mean' mean 'std' standard deviation 'var' variance 'sem' standard error of the mean 'rms' root mean square 'meansq' mean of squares 'sum' sum 'sumsq' sum of squares 'CM%' central moment of order % 'skewness' skewness 'kurtosis' excess coefficient (Fisher kurtosis) 'mad' mean absolute deviation features: - can deal with NaN's (missing values) - dimension argument - compatible to Matlab and Octave see also: SUMSKIPNAN REFERENCE(S): [1] [2]