DESATUR calculates desaturation of the Oxygen in the blood [V,s,ODI,x]=desatur(FN [,CH]) [V,s,ODI,x]=desatur(s,Fs) FN filename CH channel number, default 16. s recorded signal, Fs sampling rate Automatic evaluation of oxygen saturation can deliver: V(1) - mean oxygen saturation V(2) - time spent with oxygen saturation below 90% in minutes V(3) - time spent with oxygen saturation below 80% in minutes V(4) - time spent with oxygen saturation below 70% in minutes V(5) - number of oxygen desaturations V(6) - mean value of oxygen desaturation in percent V(7) - mean duration of oxygen desaturation in seconds V(8) - median oxygen saturation V(9) - median value of oxygen desaturation in percent V(10)- median duration of oxygen desaturation in second s original Sa02 signal ODI Oxygen de-saturation index (number of detected de-saturations per hour) x detector output see also: QRSDETECT $Id: desatur.m,v 1.2 2007/07/31 13:47:37 schloegl Exp $ Copyright (C) 2000,2007 by Alois Schloegl This is part of the BIOSIG-toolbox