QRSDETECT - detection of QRS-complexes HDR = qrsdetect(fn,chan,Mode) HDR = qrsdetect(s,Fs,Mode) INPUT fn filename chan channel number of ecg data s ecg signal data Fs sample rate Mode optional - default is 1 1: method [1] is used 2: method [2] is used OUTPUT HDR.EVENT fiducial points of qrs complexes see also: PROCESSING, EVENTCODES.TXT, SLOAD Reference(s): [1] M.-E. Nygards, L. S�nmo, Delineation of the QRS complex using the envelope of the e.c.g Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 1983, 21, 538-547. [2] V. Afonso, W. Tompkins, T. Nguyen, and S. Luo, "ECG beat detection using filter banks," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 46(2):192-202, Feb. 1999.