REGRESS_EOG yields the regression coefficients for correcting EOG artifacts in EEG recordings. The correction of a single record is obtained like this: [R,S2] = regress_eog(S1, EL, OL) [R,S2] = regress_eog(filename, EL, OL) [R,S2] = regress_eog(filename) OL = IDENTIFY_EOG_CHANNELS(filename) EL are all remaining channels Corrected data is obtained through [R] = regress_eog(covm(S1,'E'), EL, OL) S2 = S1 * R.r0; % without offset correction S2 = [ones(size(S1,1),1),S1] * R.r1; % with offset correction S1 recorded data EL list of eeg channels: those channels will be corrected OL eog/ecg channels. if OL is a vector, it represents the list of noise channels if OL is a matrix, OL derives the noise channels through rereferencing. This is useful if the EOG is recorded monopolar, but the bipolar EOG should be used for for artefact reduction (because the global EEG should remain), One can define OL = sparse([23,24,25,26],[1,1,2,2],[1,-1,1,-1]) resulting in two noise channels defined as bipolar channels #23-#24 and #25-#26 R.r1, R.r0 rereferencing matrix for correcting artifacts with and without offset correction R.b0 coefficients of EOG influencing EEG channels S2 corrected EEG-signal see also: IDENTIFY_EOG_CHANNELS, SLOAD Reference(s): [1] Schlogl A, Keinrath C, Zimmermann D, Scherer R, Leeb R, Pfurtscheller G. A fully automated correction method of EOG artifacts in EEG recordings. Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Jan;118(1):98-104. Epub 2006 Nov 7.