IDENTIFY_EOG_CHANNELS returns bipolar EOG channels for correcting of EOG artifacts using regression analysis EOGchan = IDENTIFY_EOG_CHANNELS(...) EOGchan is a sparse matrix of size number_of_channels x 2. The sparsity ensures that missing samples of unrelated channels do not affect the data. [...] = IDENTIFY_EOG_CHANNELS(filename) [...] = IDENTIFY_EOG_CHANNELS(HDR) filename or HDR struct can be used [...] = IDENTIFY_EOG_CHANNELS(...,'x') looks for EOG channels whos Label start with x see also: GET_REGRESS_EOG, SLOAD Reference(s): [1] Schlogl A, Keinrath C, Zimmermann D, Scherer R, Leeb R, Pfurtscheller G. A fully automated correction method of EOG artifacts in EEG recordings. Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Jan;118(1):98-104. Epub 2006 Nov 7.