< Master index Index for ./biosig/t200 >

Index for ./biosig/t200

Matlab files in this directory:

 ContentsBIOSIG/T200 contains Matlab/Octave functions to access various biosignal dataformats
 adb2eventADB2EVENT loads and artifact scoring file of the
 asn1read2modified by AS
 bdf2biosig_eventsBDF2BIOSIG_EVENTS converts BDF Status channel into BioSig Event codes.
 biosigVersionBIOSIGVERSION returns the version number of
 bkropenBKROPEN opens BKR file
 bni2hdrBNI2HDR converts BNI header information into BioSig Header information
 bv2biosig_eventsBV2BIOSIG_EVENTS converts VMRK marker information BioSig Event codes.
 cntopenCNTOPEN opens neuroscan files (but does not read the data).
 crc16evalCRC16EVAL cyclic redundancy check with the polynomiaL x^16+x^12+x^5+1
 eloadELOAD loads EVENT data
 famosopenFAMOSOPEN opens FAMOS file
 fefopenFEFOPEN opens and reads FEF file
 fepi2gdffunction [s,H]=fepi2gdf(fn);
 fltopenFLTOPEN opens FLT file
 gdfdatatypeGDFDATATYPE converts number into data type according to the definition of the GDF format [1].
 getfiletypeGETFILETYPE get file type
 gtfopenGTFOPEN is an auxilary function to SOPEN for reading
 hdr2asciiHDR2ASCII converts the header information into ASCII text.
 iopenIOPEN opens image files for reading and writing and returns
 ireadIREAD reads image data
 leadidcodexyzLeadIdCodeXYZ uses the Label information for computing the
 mat2selMAT2SEL is useful for converting visual artifact selection
 matreadMATRREAD Loads (parts of) data stored in Matlab-format
 mwfopenMWFOPEN reads MFER files
 opendicomOPENDICOM is an auxillary function to SOPEN for
 openeepOPENEEP opens EEProbe files (but does not read the data).
 openiffOPENIFF is an auxillary function to SOPEN for
 openldrOPENLDR loads neuroscan LDR files
 openxltOPENXLT is an auxillary function to SOPEN for
 openxmlOPENXML reads XML files and tries to extract biosignal data
 physicalunitsPHYSICALUNITS converts PhysDim inte PhysDimCode and vice versa
 save2bkrSAVE2BKR loads EEG data and saves it in BKR format
 save2edfSAVE2GDF loads EEG data and saves it in GDF format
 save2gdfSAVE2GDF loads EEG data and saves it in GDF format
 save2txtSAVE2TXT loads biosignal data and saves it in ASCII-Text format
 scloseSCLOSE closes the file with the handle HDR
 scpopenSCPOPEN reads and writes SCP-ECG files
 seofSEOF checks for end of signal-file
 sloadSLOAD loads signal data of various data formats
 sopenSOPEN opens signal files for reading and writing and returns
 sreadSREAD loads selected segments of signal file
 srewindSREWIND sets the file position to the beginnig of the data block
 ssaveSSAVE saves signal data in various data formats
 sseekSSEEK repositions file position indicator
 stellSTELL returns file position of signal data files
 str2double% STR2DOUBLE converts strings into numeric values
 swriteSWRITE writes signal data.
 sxmlreadSXMLOPEN reads XML files and tries to extract biosignal data
 tloadTLOAD loads and triggers signal data.
 tlvreadFEFOPEN opens and reads FEF file
 trigandsave2gdfTrigAndSave2GDF loads and triggers signal data and saves it to a GDF-file
 wscore2eventWSCORE2EVENT loads WSCORE event files

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