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HISTO3 calculates histogram and performs data compression


function [R,tix]=histo3(Y)


 HISTO3 calculates histogram and performs data compression
 R = HISTO3(Y)
     R is a struct with th fields 
       R.X  are the bin-values 
       R.H  is the frequency of occurence of value X 
      R.N  are the number of valid (not NaN) samples 

 Data compression can be performed in this way
       [R,tix] = histo3(Y) 
              is the compression step

    R.tix provides a compressed data representation. 
    R.compressionratio estimates the compression ratio

     R.X(tix) and R.X(R.tix) 
        reconstruct the orginal signal (decompression) 

 The effort (in memory and speed) for compression is O(n*log(n)).
 The effort (in memory and speed) for decompression is O(n) only. 

 see also: HISTO, HISTO2, HISTO3, HISTO4

  C.E. Shannon and W. Weaver "The mathematical theory of communication" University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1949 (reprint 1963).


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