< Master index Index for ./freetb4matlab/sparse >

Index for ./freetb4matlab/sparse

Matlab files in this directory:

 bicgstab% This procedure attempts to solve a system of linear equations A*x = b for x.
 cgs% This procedure attempts to solve a system of linear equations A*x = b for x.
 colperm% Returns the column permutations such that the columns of
 etreeplot% Plot the elimination tree of the matrix @var{s} or
 gplot% Plot a graph defined by @var{A} and @var{xy} in the graph theory
 nonzeros% Returns a vector of the non-zero values of the sparse matrix @var{s}.
 normest% Estimate the 2-norm of the matrix @var{a} using a power series
 spalloc% Returns an empty sparse matrix of size @var{r}-by-@var{c}. As Octave
 spaugment% Creates the augmented matrix of @var{a}. This is given by
 spconvert% This function converts for a simple sparse matrix format easily
 spdiags% A generalization of the function @code{diag}. Called with a single
 speye% Returns a sparse identity matrix. This is significantly more
 spfun% Compute @code{f(@var{x})} for the non-zero values of @var{x}.
 sphcat% Return the horizontal concatenation of sparse matrices. This function
 spones% Replace the non-zero entries of @var{x} with ones. This creates a
 sprand% Generate a random sparse matrix. The size of the matrix will be
 sprandn% Generate a random sparse matrix. The size of the matrix will be
 sprandsym% Generate a symmetric random sparse matrix. The size of the matrix will be
 spstats% Return the stats for the non-zero elements of the sparse matrix @var{s}.
 spvcat% Return the vertical concatenation of sparse matrices. This function
 spy% Plot the sparsity pattern of the sparse matrix @var{x}. If the argument
 treelayout% treelayout lays out a tree or a forest. The first argument @var{Tree} is a vector of
 treeplot% Produces a graph of tree or forest. The first argument is vector of

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