% Copyright (C) 2003 Mark Spink
function nrbplot(nurbs,subd,p1,v1)
This function calls:
This function is called by:
- demo4surf Demonstration of a bilinear surface.
- democirc Demonstration of a circle and arcs in the x-y plane.
- democoons Construction of a bilinearly blended Coons surface
- democurve % Copyright (C) 2003 Mark Spink
- democylind Demonstration of the construction of a cylinder.
- demodegelev Demonstration of the degree elevation algorithm.
- demodercrv % Copyright (C) 2003 Mark Spink
- demoellip Demonstration of a unit circle transformed to a inclined ellipse
- demoextrude Demonstration of surface construction by extrusion.
- demogeom Demonstration of how to construct a 2D geometric
- demohelix Demonstration of a 3D helical curve
- demokntins Demonstration of the knot insertion algorithm.
- demoline Demonstration of a 3D straight line
- demorect Demonstrate of rectangluar curve
- demoruled Demonstration of ruled surface construction.
- demosurf DEMOSURF: Shows a simple test surface
- demotorus % Copyright (C) 2003 Mark Spink
Generated on Fri 22-May-2009 15:13:00 by m2html © 2003