NRBEVAL: Evaluate a NURBS at parameteric points. Calling Sequence: [p,w] = nrbeval(crv,ut) [p,w] = nrbeval(srf,{ut,vt}) Parameters: crv : NURBS curve, see nrbmak. srf : NURBS surface, see nrbmak. ut : Parametric evaluation points along U direction. vt : Parametric evaluation points along V direction. p : Evaluated points on the NURBS curve or surface as cartesian coordinates (x,y,z). If w is included on the lhs argument list the points are returned as homogeneous coordinates (wx,wy,wz). w : Weights of the homogeneous coordinates of the evaluated points. Note inclusion of this argument changes the type of coordinates returned in p (see above). Description: Evaluation of NURBS curves or surfaces at parametric points along the U and V directions. Either homogeneous coordinates are returned if the weights are requested in the lhs arguments, or as cartesian coordinates. This function utilises the 'C' interface bspeval. Examples: Evaluate the NURBS circle at twenty points from 0.0 to 1.0 nrb = nrbcirc; ut = linspace(0.0,1.0,20); p = nrbeval(nrb,ut); See: bspeval