BRAINRATE estimates the weighted mean frequency according to [1] Other (similar) parameters are the spectral edge frequency or the Hjorth's Mobility parameter or Barlow's center frequency. [BRAINRATE, SEF90, SEF95] = brainrate(...) [...] = brainrate(S,Fs) [...] = brainrate(S,Fs,0) calculate stationary brainrate parameter [...] = brainrate(S,Fs,UC) with 0<UC<1, calculates time-varying brainrate parameter using exponential window Input: S data (each channel is a column) UC update coefficient (0<UC<1) Output: BRAINRATE weighted mean frequency [1] SEF90 spectral edge frequency (power below SEF90 is 90% of total power) SEF95 spectral edge frequency (power below SEF95 is 95% of total power) see also: HJORTH, BARLOW REFERENCE(S): [1] Nada Pop-Jordanova and Jordan Pop-Jordanov Spectrum-weighted EEG frequency ("Brainrate") as a quantitative indicator of arousal Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., MASA, XXVI, 2, p. 35–42 (2005) ISSN 0351–3254, UDK: 616.831-073.97