ADB2EVENT loads and artifact scoring file of the artifact database (ADB) of sleep EEG [1] and converts the data into event information [s,H] = sload(filename.edf) H.EVENT = adb2event([H.FILE.Name,'.txt], H.SampleRate); see also: SOPEN, SREAD, SSEEK, STELL, SCLOSE, SWRITE, SEOF Reference(s): [1] Artifact database of sleep EEG. Available online [2] A. Schl�l, P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Kl�ch,G. Gruber, J.L. Lorenzo, O. Filz, M. Koivuluoma, I. Rezek, S.J. Roberts,A. V�ri, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller, G. Dorffner Artifact processing of the sleep EEG in the "SIESTA"-project, Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part II, pp.1644-1645, 4-7. Nov. 1999,Vienna, Austria. [3] A. Schl�l, P. Anderer, S.J. Roberts, M. Pregenzer, G.Pfurtscheller. Artefact detection in sleep EEG by the use of Kalman filtering. Proceedings EMBEC'99, Part II, pp.1648-1649, 4-7. Nov. 1999,Vienna, Austria. [4] A. Schl�l, P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Dorffner, G. Gruber, G. Kl�ch, J.L. Lorenzo, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller. Artifacts in the sleep EEG - A database for the evaluation of automated processing methods. Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the World Federation of Sleep Research Societies (WFSRS). Editors: H. Schulz. P.L. Parmeggiani, and M. Chase. Sleep Research Online 1999:2 (Supplement 1), p. 586. available online: