< Master index Index for ./freetb4matlab/image >

Index for ./freetb4matlab/image

Matlab files in this directory:

 applylut% Uses lookup tables to perform a neighbour operation on binary images.
 autumn% Create color colormap. This colormap is red through orange to yellow.
 bestblk% Calculates the best size of block for block processing.
 blkproc% Processes image in blocks using user-supplied function.
 bmpwrite% Write the bitmap @var{X} into @var{file} (8-bit indexed uncompressed).
 bone% Create color colormap. This colormap is a gray colormap with a light
 brighten% Darkens or brightens the given colormap. If the @var{map} argument
 bwarea% Estimates the area of the 'on' pixels of @var{bw}.
 bwborder% Finds the borders of foreground objects in a binary image.
 bweuler% Calculates the Euler number of a binary image.
 bwhitmiss% Perform the binary hit-miss operation.
 bwmorph% Perform a morphological operation on a binary image.
 bwperim% Find the perimeter of objects in binary images.
 bwselect% Select connected regions in a binary image.
 cmpermute% Reorders colors in a colormap.
 cmunique% Finds colormap with unique colors and corresponding image.
 col2im% Rearranges matrix columns into blocks.
 colfilt% Apply filter to matrix blocks
 colorgradient% Define a colour map which smoothly traverses the given colors.
 colormap% Set the current colormap.
 conndef% Creates a connectivity array.
 contrast% Return a gray colormap that maximizes the contrast in an image. The
 cool% Create color colormap. The colormap is cyan to magenta. The argument
 copper% Create color colormap. This colormap is black to a light copper tone.
 cordflt2% Implementation of two-dimensional ordered filtering. This function has been
 corr2% Returns the correlation coefficient between @var{I} and @var{j}.
 deriche% Deriche 2D image gradient using recursive filters. Precessing time is
 dilate% Perform a dilation morphological operation on a binary image.
 edge% Detect edges in the given image using various methods. The first input @var{im}
 entropy% Computes the entropy of an image.
 entropyfilt% Computes the local entropy in a neighbourhood around each pixel in an image.
 erode% Perform an erosion morphological operation on a binary image.
 fftconv2% Convolve 2 dimensional signals using the FFT.
 flag% Create color colormap. This colormap cycles through red, white, blue
 fspecial% Create spatial filters for image processing.
 gmap40% Create a color colormap. The colormap is red, green, blue, yellow,
 gray% Return a gray colormap with @var{n} entries corresponding to values from
 gray2ind% Convert a gray scale intensity image to an Octave indexed image.
 grayslice% creates an indexed image @var{X} from an intensitiy image @var{I}
 graythresh% Compute global image threshold using Otsu's method.
 histeq% Histogram equalization of a gray-scale image. The histogram contains
 hot% Create color colormap. This colormap is black through dark red, red,
 hough_circle% Perform the Hough transform for circles with radius @var{r} on the
 houghtf% Perform the Hough transform for lines or circles.
 hsv% Create color colormap. This colormap is red through yellow, green,
 hsv2rgb% Transform a colormap or image from the hsv space to the rgb space.
 im2bw% Converts image data types to a black-white (binary) image.
 im2col% Rearranges image blocks into columns.
 im2double% Converts the input image to an image of class double.
 im2uint16% Converts the input image to an image of class uint16.
 im2uint8% Converts the input image to an image of class uint8.
 imadjust% Adjust image or colormap values to a specified range.
 image% Display a matrix as a color image. The elements of @var{x} are indices
 image_viewer% Change the program or function used for viewing images and return the
 imagesc% Display a scaled version of the matrix @var{a} as a color image. The
 imclose% Perform morphological closing on a given image.
 imcomplement% Computes the complement image. Intuitively this corresponds to the intensity
 imdilate% Perform morphological dilation on a given image.
 imerode% Perform morphological erosion on a given image.
 imfilter% Computes the linear filtering of the image @var{I} and the filter @var{f}.
 imfinfo% Read image information from a file.
 imginfo% Get image size from file @var{filename}.
 imhist% Shows the histogram of an image using hist.
 immaximas% Finds local spatial maximas of the given image. A local spatial maxima is
 imnoise% Adds noise to image in @var{A}.
 imopen% Perform morphological opening on a given image.
 impad% Pad (augment) a matrix for application of image processing algorithms.
 imperspectivewarp% Applies the spatial perspective homogeneous transformation @var{P} to the image @var{im}.
 imread% Read images from various file formats.
 imremap% Applies any geometric transformation to the image @var{im}.
 imresize% Scales the image @var{A} by a factor @var{m} using nearest neighbour
 imrotate% Rotation of a 2D matrix about its center.
 imrotate_Fourier% Rotation of a 2D matrix.
 imshear% Applies a shear to the image @var{M}.
 imshow% Display the image @var{im}, where @var{im} can be a 2-dimensional
 imsmooth% Smooth the given image using several different algorithms.
 imtophat% Perform morphological top hat filtering.
 imtranslate% Translate a 2D image by (x,y) using Fourier interpolation.
 imwrite% Write images in various file formats.
 ind2gray% Convert an Octave indexed image to a gray scale intensity image.
 ind2rgb% Convert an indexed image to red, green, and blue color components.
 isbw% Returns true for a black-white (binary) image.
 isgray% Returns true for an gray-scale intensity image. An variable is a gray scale image
 isind% Returns true for an index image. All index values must
 isrgb% Returns true if parameter is a RGB image.
 jet% Create color colormap. This colormap is dark blue through blue, cyan,
 label2rgb% Converts a labeled image to an RGB image.
 makelut% Create a lookup table which can be used by applylut.
 mat2gray% Converts a matrix to a intensity image.
 mean2% Returns the mean value for a 2d real type matrix.
 medfilt2% Two dimensional median filtering.
 nlfilter% Processes image in sliding blocks using user-supplied function.
 ntsc2rgb% Transform a colormap or image from NTSC to RGB.
 ocean% Create color colormap. The argument @var{n} should be a scalar. If it
 ordfilt2% Two dimensional ordered filtering.
 ordfiltn% Two dimensional ordered filtering.
 padarray% Pads an array in a configurable way.
 pink% Create color colormap. This colormap gives a sepia tone on black and
 poly2mask% Convert a polygon to a region mask.
 prism% Create color colormap. This colormap cycles trough red, orange, yellow,
 qtdecomp% Performs quadtree decomposition.
 qtgetblk% Obtain block values from a quadtree decomposition.
 qtsetblk% Set block values in a quadtree decomposition.
 rainbow% Create color colormap. This colormap is red through orange, yellow, green,
 rangefilt% Computes the local intensity range in a neighbourhood around each pixel in
 rgb2gray% Converts an RGB image to a gray scale image, or a color map
 rgb2hsv% Transform a colormap or image from the rgb space to the hsv space.
 rgb2ind% Convert an RGB image to an Octave indexed image.
 rgb2ntsc% Transform a colormap or image from RGB to NTSC.
 rgbplot% Plot a given color map.
 roicolor% Select a Region Of Interest of an image based on color.
 saveimage% Save the matrix @var{x} to @var{file} in image format @var{fmt}. Valid
 spring% Create color colormap. This colormap is magenta to yellow.
 std2% Returns the standard deviation for a 2d real type matrix.
 stdfilt% Computes the local standard deviation in a neighbourhood around each pixel in
 stretchlim% Finds limits to contrast stretch an image
 summer% Create color colormap. This colormap is green to yellow.
 uintlut% Computes matrix B by using A as an index to lookup table LUT.
 white% Create color colormap. This colormap is completely white.
 winter% Create color colormap. This colormap is blue to green.

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