Home > freetb4matlab > strings > mat2str.m





function s = mat2str (x, n, cls)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{s} =} mat2str (@var{x}, @var{n})
% @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{s} =} mat2str (@dots{}, 'class')
% Format real/complex numerical matrices as strings.  This function
% returns values that are suitable for the use of the @code{eval}
% function.
% The precision of the values is given by @var{n}.  If @var{n} is a
% scalar then both real and imaginary parts of the matrix are printed
% to the same precision.  Otherwise @code{@var{n} (1)} defines the
% precision of the real part and @code{@var{n} (2)} defines the
% precision of the imaginary part.  The default for @var{n} is 17.
% If the argument 'class' is given, then the class of @var{x} is
% included in the string in such a way that the eval will result in the
% construction of a matrix of the same class.
% @example
% @group
% mat2str ([ -1/3 + i/7; 1/3 - i/7 ], [4 2])
%      @result{} '[-0.3333+0.14i;0.3333-0.14i]'
% mat2str ([ -1/3 +i/7; 1/3 -i/7 ], [4 2])
%      @result{} '[-0.3333+0i,0+0.14i;0.3333+0i,-0-0.14i]'
% mat2str (int16([1 -1]), 'class')
%      @result{} 'int16([1,-1])'
% @end group
% @end example
% @seealso{sprintf, num2str, int2str}
% @end deftypefn


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