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% Compute multivariate normal pdf for @var{x} given mean @var{mu} and covariance matrix


function pdf = mvnpdf (x, mu = 0, sigma = 1)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{y} =} mvnpdf (@var{x})
% @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{y} =} mvnpdf (@var{x}, @var{mu})
% @deftypefnx{Function File} {@var{y} =} mvnpdf (@var{x}, @var{mu}, @var{sigma})
% Compute multivariate normal pdf for @var{x} given mean @var{mu} and covariance matrix 
% @var{sigma}.  The dimension of @var{x} is @var{d} x @var{p}, @var{mu} is
% @var{1} x @var{p} and @var{sigma} is @var{p} x @var{p}. The normal pdf is
% defined as
% @example
% @iftex
% @tex
% $$ 1/y^2 = (2 pi)^p |\Sigma| \exp \{ (x-\mu)^T \Sigma^{-1} (x-\mu) \} $$
% @end tex
% @end iftex
% @ifnottex
% 1/@var{y}^2 = (2 pi)^@var{p} |@var{Sigma}| exp @{ (@var{x}-@var{mu})' inv(@var{Sigma})@
% (@var{x}-@var{mu}) @}
% @end ifnottex
% @end example
% @strong{References}
% NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook
% http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/pmc/section5/pmc542.htm
% @strong{Algorithm}
% Using Cholesky factorization on the positive definite covariance matrix:
% @example
% @var{r} = chol (@var{sigma});
% @end example
% where @var{r}'*@var{r} = @var{sigma}. Being upper triangular, the determinant
% of @var{r} is  trivially the product of the diagonal, and the determinant of
% @var{sigma} is the square of this:
% @example
% @var{det} = prod (diag (@var{r}))^2;
% @end example
% The formula asks for the square root of the determinant, so no need to 
% square it.
% The exponential argument @var{A} = @var{x}' * inv (@var{sigma}) * @var{x}
% @example
% @var{A} = @var{x}' * inv (@var{sigma}) * @var{x}
%   = @var{x}' * inv (@var{r}' * @var{r}) * @var{x}
%   = @var{x}' * inv (@var{r}) * inv(@var{r}') * @var{x}
% @end example
% Given that inv (@var{r}') == inv(@var{r})', at least in theory if not numerically,
% @example
% @var{A}  = (@var{x}' / @var{r}) * (@var{x}'/@var{r})' = sumsq (@var{x}'/@var{r})
% @end example
% The interface takes the parameters to the multivariate normal in columns rather than 
% rows, so we are actually dealing with the transpose:
% @example
% @var{A} = sumsq (@var{x}/r)
% @end example
% and the final result is:
% @example
% @var{r} = chol (@var{sigma})
% @var{y} = (2*pi)^(-@var{p}/2) * exp (-sumsq ((@var{x}-@var{mu})/@var{r}, 2)/2) / prod (diag (@var{r}))
% @end example
% @seealso{mvncdf, mvnrnd}
% @end deftypefn


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