Home > freetb4matlab > statistics > base > histc.m



% Produce histogram counts.


function [n, idx] = histc (data, edges, dim)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{n} =} histc (@var{y}, @var{edges})
% @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{n} =} histc (@var{y}, @var{edges}, @var{dim})
% @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{n}, @var{idx}] =} histc (@dots{})
% Produce histogram counts.
% When @var{y} is a vector, the function counts the number of elements of
% @var{y} that fall in the histogram bins defined by @var{edges}.  This must be
% a vector of monotonically non-decreasing values that define the edges of the
% histogram bins.  So, @code{@var{n} (k)} contains the number of elements in
% @var{y} for which @code{@var{edges} (k) <= @var{y} < @var{edges} (k+1)}.
% The final element of @var{n} contains the number of elements of @var{y}
% that was equal to the last element of @var{edges}.
% When @var{y} is a @math{N}-dimensional array, the same operation as above is
% repeated along dimension @var{dim}.  If this argument is given, the operation
% is performed along the first non-singleton dimension.
% If a second output argument is requested an index matrix is also returned.
% The @var{idx} matrix has same size as @var{y}.  Each element of @var{idx}
% contains the index of the histogram bin in which the corresponding element
% of @var{y} was counted.
% @seealso{hist}
% @end deftypefn


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