[V,n,p,res,niter] = DDGnlpoisson (x,sinodes,Vin,nin,... pin,Fnin,Fpin,D,l2,toll,maxit,verbose) Solves the non linear Poisson equation $$ - lamda^2 *V'' + (n(V,Fn) - p(V,Fp) -D)=0 $$ input: x spatial grid sinodes index of the nodes of the grid which are in the semiconductor subdomain (remaining nodes are assumed to be in the oxide subdomain) Vin initial guess for the electrostatic potential nin initial guess for electron concentration pin initial guess for hole concentration Fnin initial guess for electron Fermi potential Fpin initial guess for hole Fermi potential D doping profile l2 scaled electric permittivity (diffusion coefficient) toll tolerance for convergence test maxit maximum number of Newton iterations verbose verbosity level: 0,1,2 output: V electrostatic potential n electron concentration p hole concentration res residual norm at each step niter number of Newton iterations