% Plot a surface graphic object given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
function retval = surface (varargin)
This function calls:
- axes % Create an axes object and return a handle to it.
- gca % Return a handle to the current axis object. If no axis object
- ishold % Return true if the next line will be added to the current plot, or
This function is called by:
- mesh % Plot a mesh given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
- meshc % Plot a mesh and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
- pcolor % Density plot for given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
- ribbon % Plot a ribbon plot for the columns of @var{y} vs. @var{x}. The
- slice % Plot slices of 3D data/scalar fields. Each element of the 3-dimensional
- surf % Plot a surface given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
- surfc % Plot a surface and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
- surfl % Plot a lighted surface given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
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