% Prepare graphics engine to produce a new plot. This function should
function newplot
This function calls:
- gca % Return a handle to the current axis object. If no axis object
- gcf % Return the current figure handle. If a figure does not exist, create
This function is called by:
- area % Area plot of cumulative sum of the columns of @var{y}. This shows the
- compass %
- contour % Plot level curves (contour lines) of the matrix @var{z}, using the
- contour3 % Plot level curves (contour lines) of the matrix @var{z}, using the
- contourf % Compute and plot filled contours of the matrix @var{z}.
- errorbar % This function produces two-dimensional plots with errorbars. Many
- feather %
- fill % Create one or more filled patch objects, returning a patch object for each.
- isosurface %
- loglog % Produce a two-dimensional plot using log scales for both axes. See
- loglogerr % Produce two-dimensional plots on double logarithm axis with
- mesh % Plot a mesh given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
- meshc % Plot a mesh and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
- pcolor % Density plot for given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
- pie % Produce a pie chart.
- plot % Produces two-dimensional plots. Many different combinations of
- plot3 % Produce three-dimensional plots. Many different combinations of
- plotmatrix % Scatter plot of the columns of one matrix against another. Given the
- plotyy % Plots two sets of data with independent y-axes. The arguments @var{x1} and
- polar % Make a two-dimensional plot given the polar coordinates @var{theta} and
- quiver %
- quiver3 %
- ribbon % Plot a ribbon plot for the columns of @var{y} vs. @var{x}. The
- rose %
- scatter %
- scatter3 %
- semilogx % Produce a two-dimensional plot using a log scale for the @var{x}
- semilogxerr % Produce two-dimensional plots on a semilogarithm axis with errorbars.
- semilogy % Produce a two-dimensional plot using a log scale for the @var{y}
- semilogyerr % Produce two-dimensional plots on a semilogarithm axis with errorbars.
- slice % Plot slices of 3D data/scalar fields. Each element of the 3-dimensional
- stairs % Produce a stairstep plot. The arguments may be vectors or matrices.
- surf % Plot a surface given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
- surfc % Plot a surface and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
- surfl % Plot a lighted surface given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from @code{meshgrid} and
- surfnorm % Find the vectors normal to a meshgridded surface. The meshed gridded
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