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function p = read_pdb(fname)


function p = read_pdb(fname)


function p = read_pdb(fname)

 Read a protein databank file from fname to a structure p containing 
 some of the elements below:

 p.cellsize       = Vector giving the lengths of lattice vectors a, b and c
 p.cellangl       = Vector giving the lattice angles alpha, beta and gamma
 p.sgroup         = The full Hermann-Mauguin space group symbol
 p.z              = Z, number of polymeric chains in a unit cell
 p.scalem         = Matrix of the transformation to crystallographic coords
 p.scalev         = Vector of the transformation to crystallographic coords
 p.atomname       = Names of the atoms in ATOM entries (N x 4 char matrix)
 p.aresname       = Name of the residue (N x 3 char matrix)
 p.aresseq        = Residue sequence number (N x 1 matrix)   
 p.acoord         = Coordinates of the atoms in ATOM entries (N x 3 matrix)
 p.aoccupancy     = Occupancy of the atom (N x 1 matrix) 
 p.atempfactor    = Temperature factor of the atoms (N x 1 matrix) 
 p.az             = Number of electrons, Z, of the atoms (N x 1 matrix) 
 p.hetname        = Names of the heterogen atoms (N x 4 char matrix)
 p.hetresname     = Name of the heterogen residue (N x 3 char matrix)
 p.hetresseq      = Heterogen residue sequence number (N x 1 matrix)   
 p.hetcoord       = Coordinates of the heterogen atoms (N x 3 matrix)
 p.hetoccupancy   = Occupancy of the heterogen atoms (N x 1 matrix) 
 p.hettempfactor  = Temperature factors of the hetatoms (N x 1 matrix) 
 p.hetz           = Number of electrons, Z, of the hetatoms (N x 1 matrix) 
 NOTE: This function also returns the atomic numbers of the atoms in the
 structure (fields p.az and p.hetz), if you do not need this information,
 use the faster function creadpdb.oct


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