Home > freetb4matlab > outliers > cochrantest.m



% Test for outlying or inlying variance


function [pval,C] = cochrantest(x,inlying,n)


% Test for outlying or inlying variance
% Description:
%      This test is useful to check if largest variance in several groups
%      of data is 'outlying' and this group should be rejected.
%      Alternatively, if one group has very small variance, we can test
%      for 'inlying' variance.
% Usage:
%      [pval,C] = cochrantest(x,inlying,n)
% Arguments:
%        x: A vector of variances or matrix of observations. 
%        n: If object is a vector, n should be another vector, giving
%           number of data in each corresponding group. If object is a
%           matrix, n should be omitted.
%  inlying: Test smallest variance instead of largest.
% Details:
%      The corresponding p-value is calculated using 'cochrancdf' function.
% Value:
%        C: the value of Cochran-statistic.
%  p.value: the p-value for the test.
% Author(s):
%      Lukasz Komsta, ported from R package 'outliers'.
%    See R News, 6(2):10-13, May 2006
% References:
%      Snedecor, G.W., Cochran, W.G. (1980). Statistical Methods (seventh
%      edition). Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.


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