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% NonLinear Conjugate Gradient method to minimize function @var{f}.


function [x,v,nev] = cg_min (f, dfn, args, ctl)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{x0},@var{v},@var{nev}]} cg_min ( @var{f},@var{df},@var{args},@var{ctl} )
% NonLinear Conjugate Gradient method to minimize function @var{f}.
% @subheading Arguments
% @itemize @bullet
% @item @var{f}   : string   : Name of function. Return a real value 
% @item @var{df}  : string   : Name of f's derivative. Returns a (R*C) x 1 vector 
% @item @var{args}: cell     : Arguments passed to f.@*
% @item @var{ctl}   : 5-vec    : (Optional) Control variables, described below
% @end itemize
% @subheading Returned values
% @itemize @bullet
% @item @var{x0}    : matrix   : Local minimum of f
% @item @var{v}     : real     : Value of f in x0
% @item @var{nev}   : 1 x 2    : Number of evaluations of f and of df
% @end itemize
% @subheading Control Variables
% @itemize @bullet
% @item @var{ctl}(1)       : 1 or 2 : Select stopping criterion amongst :
% @item @var{ctl}(1)==0    : Default value
% @item @var{ctl}(1)==1    : Stopping criterion : Stop search when value doesn't
% improve, as tested by @math{ ctl(2) > Deltaf/max(|f(x)|,1) }
% where Deltaf is the decrease in f observed in the last iteration
% (each iteration consists R*C line searches).
% @item @var{ctl}(1)==2    : Stopping criterion : Stop search when updates are small,
% as tested by @math{ ctl(2) > max { dx(i)/max(|x(i)|,1) | i in 1..N }}
% where  dx is the change in the x that occured in the last iteration.
% @item @var{ctl}(2)       : Threshold used in stopping tests.           Default=10*eps
% @item @var{ctl}(2)==0    : Default value
% @item @var{ctl}(3)       : Position of the minimized argument in args  Default=1
% @item @var{ctl}(3)==0    : Default value
% @item @var{ctl}(4)       : Maximum number of function evaluations      Default=inf
% @item @var{ctl}(4)==0    : Default value
% @item @var{ctl}(5)       : Type of optimization:
% @item @var{ctl}(5)==1    : 'Fletcher-Reves' method
% @item @var{ctl}(5)==2    : 'Polak-Ribiere' (Default)
% @item @var{ctl}(5)==3    : 'Hestenes-Stiefel' method
% @end itemize
% @var{ctl} may have length smaller than 4. Default values will be used if ctl is
% not passed or if nan values are given.
% @subheading Example:
% function r=df( l )  b=[1;0;-1]; r = -( 2*l@{1@} - 2*b + rand(size(l{1})));  @*
% function r=ff( l )  b=[1;0;-1]; r = (l@{1@}-b)' * (l@{1@}-b);  @*
% ll = @{ [10; 2; 3] @}; @*
% ctl(5) = 3; @*
% [x0,v,nev]=cg_min( 'ff', 'df', ll, ctl ) @*
% Comment:  In general, BFGS method seems to be better performin in many cases but requires more computation per iteration
% @seealso{ bfgsmin, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonlinear_conjugate_gradient }
% @end deftypefn


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