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% c = cdiff (func,wrt,N,dfunc,stack,dx) - Code for num. differentiation


function c = cdiff (func,wrt,nargs,dfunc,stack,dx)


% c = cdiff (func,wrt,N,dfunc,stack,dx) - Code for num. differentiation
%   = 'function df = dfunc (var1,..,dvar,..,varN) .. 
% Returns a string of octave code that defines a function 'dfunc' that
% returns the derivative of 'func' with respect to it's 'wrt'th
% argument.
% The derivatives are obtained by symmetric finite difference.
% dfunc's return value is in the same format as that of  ndiff
% func  : string : name of the function to differentiate
% wrt   : int    : position, in argument list, of the differentiation
%                  variable.                                Default:1
% N     : int    : total number of arguments taken by 'func'. 
%                  If N=inf, dfunc will take variable argument list.
%                                                         Default:wrt
% dfunc : string : Name of the octave function that returns the
%                   derivatives.                   Default:['d',func]
% stack : string : Indicates whether 'func' accepts vertically
%                  (stack='rstack') or horizontally (stack='cstack')
%                  arguments. Any other string indicates that 'func'
%                  does not allow stacking.                Default:''
% dx    : real   : Step used in the symmetric difference scheme.
%                                                  Default:10*sqrt(eps)
% See also : ndiff, eval, todisk


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