STARTMULTICOREMASTER Start multi-core processing master process. RESULTCELL = STARTMULTICOREMASTER(FHANDLE, PARAMETERCELL, DIRNAME) starts a multi-core processing master process. The function specified by the given function handle is evaluated with the parameters saved in each cell of PARAMETERCELL. Each cell may include parameters in any form or another cell array which is expanded to an argument list using the {:} notation to pass multiple input arguments. The outputs of the function are returned in cell array RESULTCELL of the same size as PARAMETERCELL. Only the first output argument of the function is returned. If you need to get multiple outputs, write a small adapter function which puts the outputs of your function into a cell array. To make use of multiple cores/machines, function STARTMULTICOREMASTER saves files with the function handle and the parameters to the given directory DIRNAME. These files are loaded by function STARTMULTICORESLAVE running on other Matlab processes which have access to the same directory. The slave processes evaluate the given function with the saved parameters and save the result in another file into the same directory. The results are later collected by the master process. RESULTCELL = STARTMULTICOREMASTER(FHANDLE, PARAMETERCELL, DIRNAME, MAXMASTEREVALUATIONS) restricts the number of function evaluations done by the master process to MAXMASTEREVALUATIONS. After the given number of evaluations is reached, the master process waits for other processes to complete instead of working down the list of parameter sets itself. Use this value if the overall number of function evaluations is quite small or the duration of a single evaluation is very long. However, note that if the slave process is interrupted, the master process will never terminate the computations~ Note that you can make use of multiple cores on a single machine or on different machines with a commonly accessible directory/network share or a combination of both. RESULTCELL = STARTMULTICOREMASTER(FHANDLE, PARAMETERCELL) uses the directory <TEMPDIR2>/multicorefiles, where <TEMPDIR2> is the directory returned by function TEMPDIR2. Use this form if you are running on multiple cores on a single machine. RESULTCELL = STARTMULTICOREMASTER(FHANDLECELL, PARAMETERCELL, ...), with a cell array FHANDLECELL including function handles, allows to evaluate different functions. Example: If you have your parameters saved in parameter cell PARAMETERCELL, the for-loop for k=1:numel(PARAMETERCELL) RESULTCELL{k} = FHANDLE(PARAMETERCELL{k}); end which you would run in a single process can be run in parallel on different cores/machines using STARTMULTICOREMASTER and STARTMULTICORESLAVE. Run RESULTCELL = STARTMULTICOREMASTER(FHANDLE, PARAMETERCELL, DIRNAME) in one Matlab process and STARTMULTICORESLAVE(DIRNAME) in other Matlab processes. Markus Buehren Last modified 13.11.2007 See also STARTMULTICORESLAVE, FUNCTION_HANDLE.