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function [varargout] = MSH2Mgeomprop(mesh,varargin)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{varargout}]} = MSH2Mgeomprop(@var{mesh},[@var{string1},@var{string2},...])
% Computes geometrical properties of the specified mesh
% Input:
% @itemize @minus
% @item @var{mesh}: standard PDEtool-like mesh, with field 'p', 'e', 't'.
% @item @var{string1}, @var{string2},...: identifier of the property to compute. Possible choices are listed below.
% @itemize @bullet
% @item 'bar' (center of mass): return a matrix with size 2 times number of elements containing the coordinates of the center of mass of every trg.
% @item 'cir' (circumcenter):  return a matrix with size 2 times number of elements containing the coordinates of the circumcenter of every trg.
% @item 'emidp' (boundary edges midpoint): return a matrix with size 2 times number of b.edges containing the coordinates of the midpoint.
% @item 'slength' (length of the sides): return a matrix with size 3 times number of elements containing the length of the sides.
% @item 'cdist' (distance among circumcenters of neighbouring elements): return a matrix with size 3 times number of elements containing the
%               distance among circumcenters of neighbouring elements. If the corresponding side lies on the edge, the distance between 
%               circumcenter and border edge is returned in the matrix.
% @item 'wjacdet' : 
% @item 'shg': gradient of the P1 shape functions for BIM method
% @item 'area' (trg area): return a row vector, with length equal to number of elements, containing the area of every trg in the mesh.
% @item 'midedge' (midpoint coordinates of every edge): return a matrix with size 2(x and y coordinates) times 3(edge number) times n of elements
%                  containing the coordinates of the midpoint of every trg edge.
% @end itemize
% @end itemize 
% The output will contain the geometrical properties requested in the input in the same order specified in the function call
% @seealso{MSH2Mtopprop}
% @end deftypefn


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