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% Plot a stem graph and return the handles of the line and marker


function h = stem (varargin)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{h} =} stem (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{linespec})
% Plot a stem graph and return the handles of the line and marker
% objects used to draw the stems.  The default color is @code{'r'}
% (red). The default line style is @code{'-'} and the default marker is
% @code{'o'}.
% For example,
% @example
% x = 1:10;
% stem (x);
% @end example
% @noindent
% plots 10 stems with heights from 1 to 10;
% @example
% x = 1:10;
% y = ones (1, length (x))*2.*x;
% stem (x, y);
% @end example
% @noindent
% plots 10 stems with heights from 2 to 20;
% @example
% x = 1:10;
% y = ones (size (x))*2.*x;
% h = stem (x, y, 'b');
% @end example
% @noindent
% plots 10 bars with heights from 2 to 20
% (the color is blue, and @var{h} is a 2-by-10 array of handles in
% which the first row holds the line handles and the 
% the second row holds the marker handles);
% @example
% x = 1:10;
% y = ones (size (x))*2.*x;
% h = stem (x, y, '-.k');
% @end example
% @noindent
% plots 10 stems with heights from 2 to 20
% (the color is black, line style is @code{'-.'}, and @var{h} is a 2-by-10
% array of handles in which the first row holds the line handles and
% the second rows holds the marker handles);
% @example
% x = 1:10;
% y = ones (size (x))*2.*x;
% h = stem (x, y, '-.k.');
% @end example
% @noindent
% plots 10 stems with heights from 2 to 20
% (the color is black, line style is @code{'-.'} and the marker style
% is @code{'.'}, and @var{h} is a 2-by-10 array of handles in which the
% first row holds the line handles and the second row holds the marker
% handles);
% @example
% x = 1:10;
% y = ones (size (x))*2.*x;
% h = stem (x, y, 'fill');
% @end example
% @noindent
% plots 10 stems with heights from 2 to 20
% (the color is rgb-triple defined, the line style is @code{'-'},
% the marker style is @code{'o'}, and @var{h} is a 2-by-10 array of
% handles in which the first row holds the line handles and the second
% row holds the marker handles).
% Color definitions with rgb-triples are not valid~
% @seealso{bar, barh, plot}
% @end deftypefn


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