% Set the current colormap.
function cmap = colormap (map)
This function calls:
- jet % Create color colormap. This colormap is dark blue through blue, cyan,
This function is called by:
- autumn % Create color colormap. This colormap is red through orange to yellow.
- bone % Create color colormap. This colormap is a gray colormap with a light
- brighten % Darkens or brightens the given colormap. If the @var{map} argument
- colorgradient % Define a colour map which smoothly traverses the given colors.
- contrast % Return a gray colormap that maximizes the contrast in an image. The
- cool % Create color colormap. The colormap is cyan to magenta. The argument
- copper % Create color colormap. This colormap is black to a light copper tone.
- flag % Create color colormap. This colormap cycles through red, white, blue
- gray % Return a gray colormap with @var{n} entries corresponding to values from
- hot % Create color colormap. This colormap is black through dark red, red,
- hsv % Create color colormap. This colormap is red through yellow, green,
- imshow % Display the image @var{im}, where @var{im} can be a 2-dimensional
- ind2gray % Convert an Octave indexed image to a gray scale intensity image.
- ind2rgb % Convert an indexed image to red, green, and blue color components.
- jet % Create color colormap. This colormap is dark blue through blue, cyan,
- ocean % Create color colormap. The argument @var{n} should be a scalar. If it
- pink % Create color colormap. This colormap gives a sepia tone on black and
- prism % Create color colormap. This colormap cycles trough red, orange, yellow,
- rainbow % Create color colormap. This colormap is red through orange, yellow, green,
- saveimage % Save the matrix @var{x} to @var{file} in image format @var{fmt}. Valid
- spring % Create color colormap. This colormap is magenta to yellow.
- summer % Create color colormap. This colormap is green to yellow.
- white % Create color colormap. This colormap is completely white.
- winter % Create color colormap. This colormap is blue to green.
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