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% error: print (filename, options)


function print(varargin)


% error: print (filename, options)
% Print a graph, or save it to a file
% filename: 
%   File to receive output.  If no filename is specified, output is
%   sent to the printer.
% options:
%   -Pprinter
%      Printer to which the graph is sent if no filename is specified.
%   -color | -mono
%      Monochrome or colour lines.
%   -portrait | -landscape
%      Plot orientation, as returned by 'orient'.
%   -dDEVICE
%      Output device, where DEVICE is one of:
%        ps,ps2,psc,psc2      
%             Postscript (level 1 and 2, mono and color)
%        eps,eps2,epsc,epsc2  
%             Encapsulated postscript (level 1 and 2, mono and color)
%        png  Portable network graphics
%        svg  Scalable vector garphics
%        jpg  JPEG image
%        pbm  1-bit portable graphics 
%        pgm  grayscale portable graphics 
%        ppm  full-color portable graphics
%        mif  FrameMaker Interchange Format
%        gmf  CGM Graphics Metafile
%      Other devices are supported by 'convert' from ImageMagick.  Type
%      system('convert') to see what formats are available.
%      If the device is omitted, it is inferred from the file extension,
%      or if there is no filename it is sent to the printer as postscript.
% The filename and options can be given in any order.
% If you are using Octave 2.1.x or above, mark_as_command('print') 
% will change  print from a function to a command, so instead of typing
%    print('-depsc', 'out.ps')
% you can type
%    print -depsc out.ps
% See also: orient, mark_as_command


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