Home > freetb4matlab > audio > soundsc.m



% error: soundsc(x, fs, limit) or soundsc(x, fs, [ lo, hi ])


function data_r = soundsc(data, rate, range)


% error: soundsc(x, fs, limit) or soundsc(x, fs, [ lo, hi ])
% soundsc(x)
%    Scale the signal so that [min(x), max(x)] -> [-1, 1], then 
%    play it through the speakers at 8000 Hz sampling rate.  The
%    signal has one column per channel.  
% soundsc(x,fs)
%    Scale the signal and play it at sampling rate fs.
% soundsc(x, fs, limit)
%    Scale the signal so that [-|limit|, |limit|] -> [-1, 1], then
%    play it at sampling rate fs.  If fs is empty, then the default
%    8000 Hz sampling rate is used.
% soundsc(x, fs, [ lo, hi ])
%    Scale the signal so that [lo, hi] -> [-1, 1], then play it
%    at sampling rate fs.  If fs is empty, then the default 8000 Hz
%    sampling rate is used.
% y=soundsc(...)
%    return the scaled waveform rather than play it.
% See sound for more information.


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